Battle ground issues

Hello everybody this is just me venting about battle grounds and seeing if anybody else deals with this.
Firstly the matches. I’m not the best at the game I have one 6* r4. My average match is against a paragon I’m at diamond 2. Its very annoying going against some that has more than 10 people over 20k and just accepting I will be losing my 90 elder marks. I’m probably gonna be stuck at diamond 2 for the rest of the season because I may win 1/2 games with someone that’s my actual level and have a fair fight, but then my next 5 fights will be against someone who’s lowest person is 17k which is just insane.
Secondly the bugs.
There was one time where I could have made it to diamond 1 I had one win he had one win it was looking good 🤯 boom lag strikes again my internet is fine the symbol is at the bottom… disconnected I try to rejoin and my least favorite thing loading results DEFEAT and I just have to look at 0 hp 0dmg done. It’s ok I can just win it back and win my next one and get diamond 1 first guy pick bans I knew it was a lost this man’s whole roster was probably all 6* r3s and above. I lost as expected and went to go look at his top people all r5s I HAVE ONE R4. what is this match making. This is a small bug that is kinda annoying is when u start the game and it just picks your first 1/2 people and your stuck with them it’s not that big of deal but still annoying.
I understand it may be difficult to fix all these issue I’m just annoyed. Im makes me not even want to play when I have to deal with this because I have spent 500 units to try and get to the final milestone but just getting disconnected and losing the elder marks just makes me want to quit.
Firstly the matches. I’m not the best at the game I have one 6* r4. My average match is against a paragon I’m at diamond 2. Its very annoying going against some that has more than 10 people over 20k and just accepting I will be losing my 90 elder marks. I’m probably gonna be stuck at diamond 2 for the rest of the season because I may win 1/2 games with someone that’s my actual level and have a fair fight, but then my next 5 fights will be against someone who’s lowest person is 17k which is just insane.
Secondly the bugs.
There was one time where I could have made it to diamond 1 I had one win he had one win it was looking good 🤯 boom lag strikes again my internet is fine the symbol is at the bottom… disconnected I try to rejoin and my least favorite thing loading results DEFEAT and I just have to look at 0 hp 0dmg done. It’s ok I can just win it back and win my next one and get diamond 1 first guy pick bans I knew it was a lost this man’s whole roster was probably all 6* r3s and above. I lost as expected and went to go look at his top people all r5s I HAVE ONE R4. what is this match making. This is a small bug that is kinda annoying is when u start the game and it just picks your first 1/2 people and your stuck with them it’s not that big of deal but still annoying.
I understand it may be difficult to fix all these issue I’m just annoyed. Im makes me not even want to play when I have to deal with this because I have spent 500 units to try and get to the final milestone but just getting disconnected and losing the elder marks just makes me want to quit.
BG is intended to be a player vs player competition. The *strongest* players are supposed to rise to the top. That includes roster strength. If two players have equal skill but one of them has a much stronger roster, then in this game they are the stronger player, period. The game rewards roster development.
All things being equal, BG should just match everyone with everyone. That's how alliance war works: alliances are matched by rating, which is earned by winning and losing. If you win your rating goes up, if you lose your rating goes down, and the roster strength of the alliance members doesn't matter. If you win you fight stronger alliances, if you lose you fight weaker ones, period. This is, in fact, how the Gladiator Circuit for BG works.
But if we did that everywhere in BG, the lowest progress players would consistently get wiped out. Kabam wants to encourage players to participate even if they are lower progress, so the game protects players in the early parts of the Victory track. The game shields them from stronger players and matches them against only players of similar roster growth. This gives them some space to compete in a much less difficult environment.
However, the higher players advance in VT, the more this protection is phased out. By the time a player reaches Platinum, that protection is almost completely gone. Players must now face whomever is there. And in Diamond 1, which is the very top of the Victory Track, the strength of the players that have reached that point are very strong. And you have to face them. It would simply not be fair to allow you to face only players with your roster that you can beat, while stronger players have to face stronger competition to advance the same amount in VT.
No one deserves to enter GC. Battlegrounds is about competition, and the strongest players are supposed to advance to GC. The absolute strongest reach Celestial, the weaker never get past Uru, and even weaker players do not reach GC at all and only reach Diamond or Platinum or Gold. It is a form of ranked system, and fairness requires that players that want to climb to the top must face the rest of the players that reach the top.
Also, you have the option to use victory shields as well to help you progress further up.