For the rewards in both Cavalier and Thronebreaker monthly EQs, please consider:

ValrozValroz Posts: 209 ★★
Removing the 5* shards and replacing with either with units (the amount is slightly more than the Uncollected EQ), or more 6* shards.

At this stage in the game if you're TB/Paragon, 5* shards are pretty useless already. Units will always be helpful and additional 6* shards won't hurt either.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 ★★★★
    As a TB player who completes as much content as possible, I would rather them take out some 6* shards and replace them with 5* shards. If you're playing to progress at the Thronebreaker level, you're earning more than enough 6* shards already, the 5* shards really help with ISO... And 6* shards.
  • LesktheGlut_666LesktheGlut_666 Posts: 74
    When you become Paragon is it a requirement to complain about everything..?
    I think I'll leave that alone if that's the case.
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