Rank down tickets post

With all of this Loki stuff going on I've seen talk that it was stated that rank down tickets will only be given when a champ is changed, but I have been (hopefully) waiting for rank down tickets since the new AW came around because of it's total change, with diversity being a thing and having most of the alliance with the same champs ranked up for defence now not using those champs at all because someone else in the alliance has a better one for placement, it kinda baffles me why this change didn't warrant rank down tickets
Yeahh but would you even put 85 different champs for war if it wasn't a thing? Or would you use the actual good defender style champs like it used to be
Fair point, but a lot of the lower tier alliance wars require the full diversity, my alliance is at 1800 and if we don't have 100% diversity we can still lose by like 50 points, I suppose because you can make the choice of whether to have diversity or not means it doesn't warrant rank down tickets as opposed to if a character is changed there's nothing you can do about it.. fair enough
The source of your bafflement is that the people stating that rank down tickets will only be given when a champ is changed are players, not Kabam. The only statements from Kabam regarding RDT were the ones given after 12.0 in response to players asking for them, that 12.0 was a special case that involved champions changing dramatically. They did not say "so whenever champions change dramatically enough we will give out RDTs," They only said it was a special case that involved champion changes. The people who quote that keep forgetting to quote the rest, which was that Kabam was unlikely to be giving out RDTs in the same way ever again , and if they ever felt RDTs were warranted they would likely function significantly differently.
Everyone seems to keep remembering the "champions changed" part and forgetting the "special case" and "unlikely to happen again" part.
There is no specific threshold of change that automatically warrants RDTs.
Precisely this.
Patch 12.0 completely changed the way abilities for all champs across the board worked. Every single champ changed from percentage to flat values, some champs were, for lack of a better word, crippled. The game itself changed, affecting every single champ in the game. That is what warranted the option. I have not seen one champ modification since that comes remotely close to warranting the same again.
Thank you for clearing this up for me guys!
I didn't flag you...but tempted to since you resurrected a thread that has been dead since November 23rd.
Rank down ticket threads don't die. They just go into remission.
What you're forgetting is how they also said that IF they bring them they would be more specific (so most likely champion and/or rank specific)