48 hours is not enough time to get enough units

Jc56478Jc56478 Member Posts: 1
Well I bought some of the fun in the sun bundles to get points for the 7 day solo event I got 18000 points I save some units and bought some units to complete the event but when I came back I realized that the bundles did not reset and just disappeared after 48 hours. I wasted units and money for stuff I didn’t need all I needed was the points for the event to get some of the rare champions and gold


  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 971 ★★★
    Well, start grinding for them 36K units for next years july 4th so you won't be caught rushing to get those units.
    And at least you know to read the info carefully so you don't buy the deals until you have the units ready.
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    edited July 2023

    DNA3000 said:

    Jc56478 said:

    Well I bought some of the fun in the sun bundles to get points for the 7 day solo event I got 18000 points I save some units and bought some units to complete the event but when I came back I realized that the bundles did not reset and just disappeared after 48 hours. I wasted units and money for stuff I didn’t need all I needed was the points for the event to get some of the rare champions and gold

    The in-game message announcing the unit offers stated that after the first one was purchased, all subsequent offers would only be available for 48 hours.

    This is unfortunate, but players need to read the announcements, terms, and conditions of the various offers and opportunities.
    I have to disagree. This was a poorly thought out change that resulted in bad UX for many.

    First of all, important information should be displayed prominently before customers make a purchase.
    Imagine you went shopping to your usual supermarket and when you came out realised that you had an additional 10% charge. You were not made aware of that charge anywhere in the market area or till. When you go to customer services, they say they sent you an email. You look and the email is there. Would you be happy if they told you to learn to read emails?

    Also, when I opened the game, the first offer popped up full screen. There was a timer that indicated it would last 7 days. Correct me if I'm wrong, but never in the history of the game has the timer for offers changed.
    With an event as anticipated as this, some if not many would have started buying right away.

    Lastly, they failed to realise that a significant amount players that have experienced many July fourths and Cyber Weekends are not going to read to the bottom of a two page message for that one sentence. At most we'd skim through and then go to Twitter to have a clear infographic of the offers.
    We know how it works and therein lies the issue. If you're going to change the format, make the changes explicit.

    I honestly hope they learn from this. When I was in my twenties I used to say "users are dumb" very often. Now I'm wise enough to know that it's my responsibility to have happy users at the end of their journey.


    No one reads those messages
    No matter how important they are
    Everyone reads those mails only when they get some compensation or rewards and even then most people just thoroughly see it...
    I hope they handle it in a better way next time..

  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 3,087 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023

    DNA3000 said:

    Jc56478 said:

    Well I bought some of the fun in the sun bundles to get points for the 7 day solo event I got 18000 points I save some units and bought some units to complete the event but when I came back I realized that the bundles did not reset and just disappeared after 48 hours. I wasted units and money for stuff I didn’t need all I needed was the points for the event to get some of the rare champions and gold

    The in-game message announcing the unit offers stated that after the first one was purchased, all subsequent offers would only be available for 48 hours.

    This is unfortunate, but players need to read the announcements, terms, and conditions of the various offers and opportunities.
    I have to disagree. This was a poorly thought out change that resulted in bad UX for many.

    First of all, important information should be displayed prominently before customers make a purchase.
    Imagine you went shopping to your usual supermarket and when you came out realised that you had an additional 10% charge. You were not made aware of that charge anywhere in the market area or till. When you go to customer services, they say they sent you an email. You look and the email is there. Would you be happy if they told you to learn to read emails?

    Also, when I opened the game, the first offer popped up full screen. There was a timer that indicated it would last 7 days. Correct me if I'm wrong, but never in the history of the game has the timer for offers changed.
    With an event as anticipated as this, some if not many would have started buying right away.

    Lastly, they failed to realise that a significant amount players that have experienced many July fourths and Cyber Weekends are not going to read to the bottom of a two page message for that one sentence. At most we'd skim through and then go to Twitter to have a clear infographic of the offers.
    We know how it works and therein lies the issue. If you're going to change the format, make the changes explicit.

    I honestly hope they learn from this. When I was in my twenties I used to say "users are dumb" very often. Now I'm wise enough to know that it's my responsibility to have happy users at the end of their journey.
    Before I respond to this, please be aware that on another post I specifically called out Kabam for their reasoning for the 48-hour timer and told them there was no real justification for any timer at all because of said reasoning.

    Your grocery store analogy here is way off. When you go into your email you don’t just have messages from your grocery store and nothing else. Emails get buried, and 90% of all emails that people get are spam. Messages we get through the game are messages only received directly from Kabam and only pertain directly to MCoC and nothing else. There is also a notification that will not go away until the message has been read.

    Kabam also did not communicate this 48-hour timer solely through the in-game mail. It was also communicated right here on the forums. One thing that has been made clear to Kabam over the years, through many complaints of players whining that they weren’t aware of something, is that they can’t communicate information through just one avenue. Well, they communicated this through two, the two with their largest identified pool of active users - the game and the forums. These are also the same two avenues through which SQ information is sent out every single month, and yet there is a far-too-large amount of players confused by how the SQ works every single time. Of course, if you’re not going to read, you’re not going to know.

    This wasn’t hidden information, it wasn’t fine print, it wasn’t buried in something too long to read. The timers being there at all is poorly justified, but it was still clearly communicated. It is not Kabam’s responsibility to make sure players read, it is only their responsibility to make sure the communication is sent. They upheld their end of the bargain. Any players that jumped the gun and were surprised learned a lesson. Players did not no how this event worked and therein lies the issues.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 809 ★★★★
    It was announced on the forum like a week before, it was announced in-game the day offers droped, there's a timer on each offer (top right corner I think) and it has been this way for several years.

    Kabam used all possible methods to inform you, if only you bothered to read. I guess the only one they didn't use was to write it on a big stick and come over and hit you on the head with it.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,375 ★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Jc56478 said:

    Well I bought some of the fun in the sun bundles to get points for the 7 day solo event I got 18000 points I save some units and bought some units to complete the event but when I came back I realized that the bundles did not reset and just disappeared after 48 hours. I wasted units and money for stuff I didn’t need all I needed was the points for the event to get some of the rare champions and gold

    The in-game message announcing the unit offers stated that after the first one was purchased, all subsequent offers would only be available for 48 hours.

    This is unfortunate, but players need to read the announcements, terms, and conditions of the various offers and opportunities.
    I have to disagree. This was a poorly thought out change that resulted in bad UX for many.

    First of all, important information should be displayed prominently before customers make a purchase.
    Imagine you went shopping to your usual supermarket and when you came out realised that you had an additional 10% charge. You were not made aware of that charge anywhere in the market area or till. When you go to customer services, they say they sent you an email. You look and the email is there. Would you be happy if they told you to learn to read emails?

    Also, when I opened the game, the first offer popped up full screen. There was a timer that indicated it would last 7 days. Correct me if I'm wrong, but never in the history of the game has the timer for offers changed.
    With an event as anticipated as this, some if not many would have started buying right away.

    Lastly, they failed to realise that a significant amount players that have experienced many July fourths and Cyber Weekends are not going to read to the bottom of a two page message for that one sentence. At most we'd skim through and then go to Twitter to have a clear infographic of the offers.
    We know how it works and therein lies the issue. If you're going to change the format, make the changes explicit.

    I honestly hope they learn from this. When I was in my twenties I used to say "users are dumb" very often. Now I'm wise enough to know that it's my responsibility to have happy users at the end of their journey.


    No one reads those messages
    No matter how important they are
    Everyone reads those mails only when they get some compensation or rewards and even then most people just thoroughly see it...
    I hope they handle it in a better way next time..

    whilst i agree it was not a good implementation of deals,

    people should be reading mail. how else do you expect to know what the go with stuff is?

    people most certainly do read the mail.
    those that don't read the mail make errors and/or just expect everyone else to tell them what is going on.

    if you don't read it, its on you and you can't expect to know what is going on.
    accept you mad an error and should have read and move on.
  • Jlemos818Jlemos818 Member Posts: 83
    I bought them as well and had timer expire on me as well. Guess it was an oversight but I’m pissed I can’t purchase offers now I’m sitting on units and missing out on rewards because of 48 hr timer and honestly don’t get the point of it. Should be open for entire event
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