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BG’s fights taking too long to match

BG fights are taking too long to match. I'm on the gladiator circuit. It's taking at least 40 sec to more than 1 minute. Please fix this.


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    LordSmasherLordSmasher Posts: 1,450 ★★★★★
    How do they fix it? Magic up some players?
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,036 Guardian
    LuizLoko said:

    BG fights are taking too long to match. I'm on the gladiator circuit. It's taking at least 40 sec to more than 1 minute. Please fix this.

    Kabam has only one way to speed up matches - they can allow you to match against players farther away from your rating. That might mean matching against players lower than you, but it can also mean matching against players much higher than you (because every unbalanced match looks both ways from both players). And then we'll just have complaints about long match times replaced with complaints about why they are matching against people a hundred rating points higher.

    If you want faster match times, tell all your friends to play more. More people = faster matches.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    Imagine being matched in less than 5 seconds but your match is someone like Lagacy or Beroman and not someone in your tier (assuming you aren't in the top tier) id be more than happy to wait the extra 30 seconds
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13
    I don't believe the problem is the matchmaking with players who have a stronger or weaker gallery of heroes. This was probably very well thought out when creating the BG. What I think is happening is Kabam is punishing everyone for what a few are doing in the game. This tactic of canceling the match to get a weaker player. They can't find a solution for this so they increase the minimum time to find a match and try to get the guy to give up canceling. It's unbearable to play BG like this.
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike please review this problem.
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    FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Posts: 2,225 ★★★★★
    LuizLoko said:

    I don't believe the problem is the matchmaking with players who have a stronger or weaker gallery of heroes. This was probably very well thought out when creating the BG. What I think is happening is Kabam is punishing everyone for what a few are doing in the game. This tactic of canceling the match to get a weaker player. They can't find a solution for this so they increase the minimum time to find a match and try to get the guy to give up canceling. It's unbearable to play BG like this.

    Your tin foil hat isn’t on tight enough. To match with players, others have to be playing. It’s not a guarantee that someone else around your level is playing at any given minute. The system is set to look for someone in a certain range of your level. After some time it will expand beyond that. But if you think 40 seconds is bad, imagine how players up in celestial waiting 2-3 plus minutes feel. The higher you go up, the less players you have close to you to match against, therefore it takes longer to match because those other players have to be playing too. They’ve already been punishing match canceling, they don’t need to manipulate the game systems to do it.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    LuizLoko said:

    I don't believe the problem is the matchmaking with players who have a stronger or weaker gallery of heroes. This was probably very well thought out when creating the BG. What I think is happening is Kabam is punishing everyone for what a few are doing in the game. This tactic of canceling the match to get a weaker player. They can't find a solution for this so they increase the minimum time to find a match and try to get the guy to give up canceling. It's unbearable to play BG like this.

    That’s a sweet tinfoil hat you have there. Snazzy!
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13
    I love my tin foil hat! Thank you guys. The world really needs more Einsteins like you. How did I not think of any of this before! LOL I really am so wrong. I must be playing little and knowing little of the game. 😂
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    FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Posts: 2,225 ★★★★★
    LuizLoko said:

    I love my tin foil hat! Thank you guys. The world really needs more Einsteins like you. How did I not think of any of this before! LOL I really am so wrong. I must be playing little and knowing little of the game. 😂

    And it needs less people like you. Have a nice weekend.
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,537 ★★★★★

    How do they fix it? Magic up some players?

    Sure. AI players in battlegrounds. Instantaneous matches will be found. You may not like their decks, though.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,525 ★★★★★
    LuizLoko said:

    I don't believe the problem is the matchmaking with players who have a stronger or weaker gallery of heroes. This was probably very well thought out when creating the BG. What I think is happening is Kabam is punishing everyone for what a few are doing in the game. This tactic of canceling the match to get a weaker player. They can't find a solution for this so they increase the minimum time to find a match and try to get the guy to give up canceling. It's unbearable to play BG like this.

    Stupidest thing I've heard this week.
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    klobberintymeklobberintyme Posts: 1,503 ★★★★
    LuizLoko said:

    I love my tin foil hat! Thank you guys. The world really needs more Einsteins like you. How did I not think of any of this before! LOL I really am so wrong. I must be playing little and knowing little of the game. 😂

    First step is admitting the problem. You'll be where you want to be sooner than you know it!
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13
    Thank you guys! 😃 Although I didn't ask for your opinion, I respectfully read them and thank you very much for your collaboration. Who I would like to have manifested so far has not done so. So let's now finish enjoying the weekend in a productive way! Have a good game.
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13

    LuizLoko said:

    I don't believe the problem is the matchmaking with players who have a stronger or weaker gallery of heroes. This was probably very well thought out when creating the BG. What I think is happening is Kabam is punishing everyone for what a few are doing in the game. This tactic of canceling the match to get a weaker player. They can't find a solution for this so they increase the minimum time to find a match and try to get the guy to give up canceling. It's unbearable to play BG like this.

    Stupidest thing I've heard this week.
    Try to read your sentence though.
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13

    LuizLoko said:

    I love my tin foil hat! Thank you guys. The world really needs more Einsteins like you. How did I not think of any of this before! LOL I really am so wrong. I must be playing little and knowing little of the game. 😂

    First step is admitting the problem. You'll be where you want to be sooner than you know it!
    Sure! Hope we can reach it together ! 🥰
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    LuizLokoLuizLoko Posts: 13

    LuizLoko said:

    I love my tin foil hat! Thank you guys. The world really needs more Einsteins like you. How did I not think of any of this before! LOL I really am so wrong. I must be playing little and knowing little of the game. 😂

    And it needs less people like you. Have a nice weekend.
    Sure! More love for your heart too! ❤️
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    Wozzle007Wozzle007 Posts: 969 ★★★★★
    Where in the gladiator circuit are you? Last season it was often taking me 30+ seconds to match. This season has been closer to 10/15 seconds.
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