Kabam please scale back the AI
- I keep getting light intercepted
- When I dash in, I get light intercepted
- When I move to punish a special attack, I get light intercepted
- When I punish a heavy, I get light intercepted
- When in BG, the AI parries every attempt at a punishment after any sort of movement
- You try to get a combo first thing in the match
- You try to punish a special attack
- You try to use a relic
- I don’t know what’s going on, why everything is going nuts in this game, but this **** isn’t fun anymore
- When I dash in, I get light intercepted
- When I move to punish a special attack, I get light intercepted
- When I punish a heavy, I get light intercepted
- When in BG, the AI parries every attempt at a punishment after any sort of movement
- You try to get a combo first thing in the match
- You try to punish a special attack
- You try to use a relic
- I don’t know what’s going on, why everything is going nuts in this game, but this **** isn’t fun anymore
In this case, I'm with the OP. The AI needs a serious overhaul.