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Paragon rewards lesser option ?

TreoTreo Posts: 389 ★★
This is from the red goblin / dormammu objective

For me the paragon is just iso and gold … the rest are way better options …


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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    There’s another thread on it here. Waiting to see if we hear from Kabam. It matches the announcement but it’s still not clear if it’s correct or another error. I’m guessing this is probably way down the priority list right now though.

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    ArkkyArkky Posts: 87
    Just choose the TB reward. Some people would rather gold and they can choose the Paragon reward.

    Since they match with the spreadsheet of rewards, the rewards are probably what were intended.
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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 472 ★★★
    I actually went for the cavalier rewards. Gold and iso are not a problem for me.
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    ArkkyArkky Posts: 87
    True. I should have said just choose the reward you like best rather than making an assumption 😆
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    ChobblyChobbly Posts: 901 ★★★★
    Arkky said:

    True. I should have said just choose the reward you like best rather than making an assumption 😆

    Look at this way - you get a wider choice depending on your progression tier. It's not just your tier that governs the rewards - it also affects what rewards you can choose.
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    johnlaw3742johnlaw3742 Posts: 178 ★★
    I agree - looks off. Chose the Cav rewards myself. I almost just blindly chose Paragon.. glad I paid close attention.
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