Battleground issue for Platinum ll ranked players

PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10
Hey there, I got an issue regarding Battlegrounds. As soon as I reached Platinum ll my opponents is just unbeatable. My champion deck is wayyyy to weak for my opponents. My best characters overall (excluding banned selected by opponents) begins from 3405 overall rating while the opponents I faced in Platinum ll has 3-4 characthers over 20.000 overall rating and the the rest is from 20.000 to 10.000 overall rating. It’s basically impossible for me to beat them and I have no fun losing all my games to other players with these such characters. In the photos below you will se my champions (begins with Spider-man stark enhanced, Void and Mordo) and the other two pictures are from the average opponent in Platinum lol rank. Please help me ASAP! Thanks in advance and kind regards.
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  • PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10

  • PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10

  • PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10
    Spider man stark enhanced, Void and Mordo and rest is my deck and the other two pictures are from my average opponent is Battlegrounds rank Platinum ll
  • LologolasLologolas Member Posts: 17
    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    You shouldn't be facing low rates accounts, it's a tier based system higher you go higher level opponent's will be there. I'm in diamond 1 on my alt and somehow I face absolute potato level UC players with all 5*s or Paragons with 15+ 7*s and 10+ r5s. For retrospect I have 1 r4 on that account. I'd understand if matching was quick, but I'm waiting 90 seconds to absolutely destroy a guy or get destroyed. No middle ground, since latest update queue times have quadrupled from 15-20 seconds to between 1 and 2 minutes.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    User error.

    Just thank Kabam for your undeserved rewards.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023
    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The BGs store is a store, its not the rewards one gets for playing the mode, the rewards are the currency/elder marks which is exactly the same rewards as everyone else who plays it.

    If an UC player and a Paragon player are both in a gold 2 War alliance they will both receive the same amount of rewards for each war played, the currency (loyalty) will be exactly the same too but a Paragon can get more for their currency than the UC player can get .... yet nobody ever complains about the fairness of that, only ever BGs
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The "store argument" has been debunked multiple times. I have no idea why people keep trying to bring it up.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,164 ★★★★★

  • PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2023
    So i’m screwed basically?
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Pizzaaaa said:

    So i’m screwed basically?

    So from what I gather, Bronze to Plat 3 tailors matchmaking to ensure you're having an even match up, doing this also ensures that everyone who is eligible can play BGs on somewhat of an even footing t ... to some extent or other. Once you hit plat 2 it appears that the make believe wall has fallen and now matchmaking is open season. So in a way, yes you're screwed but equally, no you're not as that's the intention from Kabam.

    If I was you, I'd play it every month with the understanding that your ceiling is essentially plat 2, but keep playing, when you can, using just energy as this will inevitably build your skills and saves wasting elder marks, use what rewards/currency you do get from BGs to rank up more champs ..... Put majority of your efforts into story content as this is the main thing for progression
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Also, when you do face guys who's accounts are 50 times bigger than yours, DO NOT quit, yes it may be impossible for you to win (or seem that way) but you'll gain experience if nothing else, also you may just learn something about a counter you never knew by seeing who your opponent picks for their fights etc
  • PizzaaaaPizzaaaa Member Posts: 10
    @Mackey Thanks for your message!
  • LologolasLologolas Member Posts: 17

    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The "store argument" has been debunked multiple times. I have no idea why people keep trying to bring it up.
    I’ve never heard of these arguments, what are they (for my info) ?
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    Lologolas said:

    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The "store argument" has been debunked multiple times. I have no idea why people keep trying to bring it up.
    I’ve never heard of these arguments, what are they (for my info) ?
    Many people say the rewards are not the same because, even though the token amounts are equal, the items they can be used to purchase vary across progression levels. However, there's nothing stopping a cav/TB player from saving trophy tokens until they progress further into the story and unlock the higher tier rewards.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Caleb1705 said:

    Lologolas said:

    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The "store argument" has been debunked multiple times. I have no idea why people keep trying to bring it up.
    I’ve never heard of these arguments, what are they (for my info) ?
    Many people say the rewards are not the same because, even though the token amounts are equal, the items they can be used to purchase vary across progression levels. However, there's nothing stopping a cav/TB player from saving trophy tokens until they progress further into the story and unlock the higher tier rewards.
    Players do say this, but this is not the game design argument. The game design argument is more nuanced, but it boils down to this: the game mode itself is designed with currency as the reward. It is implemented, balanced, and tuned with that currency as the reward. For the purposes of judging the game mode itself, if two players get 10000 tokens, they got the same reward.

    How they use that reward when they leave the mode is different. The token store is balanced similarly to most currency stores: with progression-based conversions and prices.

    When the game mode was created and implemented, the devs didn't sit down and say okay, a Cav player is going to get these rewards which are different from a TB players that will get those rewards, and the Cav rewards are going to cost this much and the TB rewards are going to cost that much, and the Cav difficulty when they climb the ladder is going to be this compared to the TB player that is going to be that, and we need the Cav token reward for Gold 2 to be this and the TB token reward for Gold 2 to be that and to make the mode simpler to describe we will adjust the mode in such a way so that those two numbers just happened to be identical, even though they represent two different values for two different sets of rewards for two different players in two progression tiers.

    No, the said every player who promotes to Gold 2 gets 2250 tokens. Because that is the value of that rung of the competition ladder. And everyone who reaches that rung should have to pass through the same competitive gauntlet to get there. Everyone in Gold 2 should have to face the players in Gold 3, and the players in Silver 1, and so on.

    However they made a special exception for the early rungs. You don't face the competition in Gold 3 to get to Gold 2. You face a subset of the competition in Gold 3 to get to Gold 2. Stronger players face stronger opponents, weaker players face weaker opponents. This allows everyone a chance to advance, and not feel bad about losing too often. This special exception decreases from Bronze to Silver to Gold (slightly) and then disappears in Platinum.

    Someone who says my rewards are lower because I am at a lower progression tier, so it is perfectly fair if my competition is also weaker, is misunderstanding what BG is. It is a competition ladder with everyone climbing the same ladder. The fact that the rewards on the ladder eventually get exchanged for different rewards based on progression doesn't change how ladders are supposed to work. Everyone is climbing the same ladder, so everyone should have to step over the same rungs below. This is what eventually happens in Platinum, Diamond, and then GC. It doesn't happen in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, which makes some players think that's how it should be forever.

    In a sense, the store argument is backwards. It is not a question of whether different players ultimately get different rewards. The *fact* that everyone gets the same 2250 tokens when they promote to Gold 2 is a sign that everyone is climbing the same ladder. It isn't a coincidence that everyone sees the same number. They see the same number because there's only one number, because there's only one ladder, because there's only one competition. And because there's only one competition, any special rules other than "everyone faces everyone else" is in fact the special case, and not the normal case.
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Caleb1705 said:

    Lologolas said:

    Lologolas said:

    I complained about this some weeks ago, basically what every “high ranked and good roster” player told me is that this is how the game is and will be, as we are competing for the same rewards as them (although not exactly the same because BG shop is different). This mode is aimed for more experienced players so have fun in solo and events !!

    The "store argument" has been debunked multiple times. I have no idea why people keep trying to bring it up.
    I’ve never heard of these arguments, what are they (for my info) ?
    Many people say the rewards are not the same because, even though the token amounts are equal, the items they can be used to purchase vary across progression levels. However, there's nothing stopping a cav/TB player from saving trophy tokens until they progress further into the story and unlock the higher tier rewards.
    Players do say this, but this is not the game design argument. The game design argument is more nuanced, but it boils down to this: the game mode itself is designed with currency as the reward. It is implemented, balanced, and tuned with that currency as the reward. For the purposes of judging the game mode itself, if two players get 10000 tokens, they got the same reward.

    How they use that reward when they leave the mode is different. The token store is balanced similarly to most currency stores: with progression-based conversions and prices.

    When the game mode was created and implemented, the devs didn't sit down and say okay, a Cav player is going to get these rewards which are different from a TB players that will get those rewards, and the Cav rewards are going to cost this much and the TB rewards are going to cost that much, and the Cav difficulty when they climb the ladder is going to be this compared to the TB player that is going to be that, and we need the Cav token reward for Gold 2 to be this and the TB token reward for Gold 2 to be that and to make the mode simpler to describe we will adjust the mode in such a way so that those two numbers just happened to be identical, even though they represent two different values for two different sets of rewards for two different players in two progression tiers.

    No, the said every player who promotes to Gold 2 gets 2250 tokens. Because that is the value of that rung of the competition ladder. And everyone who reaches that rung should have to pass through the same competitive gauntlet to get there. Everyone in Gold 2 should have to face the players in Gold 3, and the players in Silver 1, and so on.

    However they made a special exception for the early rungs. You don't face the competition in Gold 3 to get to Gold 2. You face a subset of the competition in Gold 3 to get to Gold 2. Stronger players face stronger opponents, weaker players face weaker opponents. This allows everyone a chance to advance, and not feel bad about losing too often. This special exception decreases from Bronze to Silver to Gold (slightly) and then disappears in Platinum.

    Someone who says my rewards are lower because I am at a lower progression tier, so it is perfectly fair if my competition is also weaker, is misunderstanding what BG is. It is a competition ladder with everyone climbing the same ladder. The fact that the rewards on the ladder eventually get exchanged for different rewards based on progression doesn't change how ladders are supposed to work. Everyone is climbing the same ladder, so everyone should have to step over the same rungs below. This is what eventually happens in Platinum, Diamond, and then GC. It doesn't happen in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, which makes some players think that's how it should be forever.

    In a sense, the store argument is backwards. It is not a question of whether different players ultimately get different rewards. The *fact* that everyone gets the same 2250 tokens when they promote to Gold 2 is a sign that everyone is climbing the same ladder. It isn't a coincidence that everyone sees the same number. They see the same number because there's only one number, because there's only one ladder, because there's only one competition. And because there's only one competition, any special rules other than "everyone faces everyone else" is in fact the special case, and not the normal case.
    As always, I am humbled and in awe of your insights into battlegrounds. Thank you for expanding on these points and the wonky VT matchmaking system.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    It's hard to argue against @DNA3000 post. He hit it square in the middle.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Also, the 'store argument' only focuses on Tokens and completely ignores the huge amount of rewards that are the same, regardless of title.

    - Ally rewards
    - Individual rewards
    - Relic shards
    - Relic mats
    - 6* and 7* shards
    - Elder's Marks
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    It's the same rewards, nothing is stopping them from moving up in progression
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