Two battle grounds questions

obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 997 ★★★
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
Quick disclosure...

Made it into the gladiator circuit for the first time ever.

Guessing the answer to my first question is readily available but, frankly, I'm just too lazy to look to find it. How does one move up in the gladiator circuit to new tier levels? And I mean beyond the obvious of win matches. Is there a point threshold to hit to move up? How does it work exactly?

Second, if you mute your opponent's emojis do they have any indication they've been muted or do they happily spam the stupid Loki one thinking that I'm seeing every single one over and over without knowing it's not being seen?


  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Every time you win you gain those point thingies. to move up to Uru II you have to have more of those point thingies than 8500 players playing battlegrounds. This will change as people continue to play. If you made it in last week, a score of fifty may have landed you in the next tier up, however now that another week has passed you will probably need a higher score. The threshold is based on other players scores, and you being better than them.

    If you mute your opponent i don't think they know.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 997 ★★★
    @DawsMan thanks.

    Answer 1 makes sense. I just have to constantly win and earn points while others above me have to consistently lose amd lose points. Kind of feeling like Uru 3 is where I remain at the end of these next 6+ days of the season.

    Answer 2 kind of stinks. Sure would be nice for someone looking to criticize your play for getting k.o.ed and only taking off 6% of the defender's health when they also got k.o.ed but took 8% health off the defender to realize the spamming of Loki isn't being seen thus making the intent of it futile.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    DawsMan said:

    Every time you win you gain those point thingies. to move up to Uru II you have to have more of those point thingies than 8500 players playing battlegrounds.

    To amplify a bit, GC tiers are rank based brackets. You can see the brackets in the interface:

    These are the rank ranges for each GC tierL

  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    1. U can't move up in GC without winning matches
    2. No idea
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