famous youtuber bought his account. made a video about it and it's still not banned



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★

    Bottom line for me is, follow the rules. I have a pretty low tolerance for people who cheat. It's one thing when Alliances were trading logins to move in War and AQ. It takes it up a notch when you're undercutting the game by offering fraudulent services (being a Merc). Another still when you're using a Mod. There are degrees of severity, but it's all cheating to me.
    I'm not on a podium about it. If someone stopped doing it, then that's respectable. I don't have a gold star for them, though. I've played for over 7 and half years without engaging in behavior like that. So have many, many other Players.
    People say that's how it was for Top Players. I say they were Top Players because they were breaking the rules.

    You had to be good to even get into alliances that did this stuff (and I was). No offense but after 7 years you barely scrape into GC when everyone is already in there for a while. The only reason I was asked to (and declined to pilot) was because I was good back then.

    You have no idea what you’re talking about so it doesn’t matter why you think they are top players.

    Again, KT could start a F2P account today and beat you to GC in a couple of months. Nick136 is in Diamond with unleveled 4*. You’re way out of your depth here bucko.

    Not to mention the value that KT adds with his guides is far more than anything you’ll every contribute. He’s a top player because he’s put in a lot of work on top of his talent.
    Listen, you want to fan boy, be my guest. I didn't say anything directed to KT. In fact, I specified my comments weren't directed at him.
    You're barking up the wrong tree if you're defending someone who has attacked me personally in their videos. I don't care for his brand of content. That's still not my issue, and I have enough decorum to keep my thoughts on the subject and not about him. If you want to go there with me however, don't.
    You forgot that I wasn't even trying until last Season. Not that I couldn't. I'd play a Match here and there and that was about it.
    Don't preach to me about what it took to get into those Alliances. I've been aware all along the requirements, and I've been here telling people Account Sharing is against ToS. The fact that people got away with it for so long that they thought it was acceptable is unfortunate and frustrated me to no end, but I was happy when they started banning over it.
    If you have to break the rules to be at the top, you don't deserve it. I don't care if it's KT1, you, or King Charles III.
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 363 ★★★
    bm3epps said:

    🧐How does people saying he should be banned know what consequences he had to face? He could have already did time (temp ban) for this issue. Why complain about something that happened 8 years ago.

    I'm betting this is their false equivalency for the opening mythic crystals kerfuffle. They want to point to something years ago since many people are really harping on those who opened mythic crystals getting punished.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★
    A heart surgeon?
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,531 ★★★★★

    A heart surgeon?

    Sorry, I purposely didn't use cardiologist because I figured people wouldn't know what that is... I really don't know a more simple way to explain it.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,531 ★★★★★

    A heart surgeon?

    Sorry, I purposely didn't use cardiologist because I figured people wouldn't know what that is... I really don't know a more simple way to explain it.
    No, you were fine. They're different things.

    A cardiac surgeon is a surgeon who operates on the heart.
    A cardiologist is a physician who specialises in looking after the heart, using medications, physiotherapy, and radiology (catheterisation).

    I'm pretty sure that GW knew what you meant - they were just responding negatively to the thought of comparing KT1 (someone who plays computer games online) with a surgical professional who's been through fifteen years of dedicated training... 😉
    The comparison was not playing a video game to saving lives but in making a mistake, in a video game, and then becoming an expert in said game after years and years of hard work, with making a mistake in school and then through hard work becoming an expert in a very difficult and prestigious profession.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
    This is the equivalent of me claiming I helped my friend (irl) do a single EQ boss fight about 5 years ago so I could teach him how to play AA, then Kabam linking that to my in game account and banning me. Maybe it’s not perfection but it’s certainly not relevant now, nor the end of the world.
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