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Are you guys still ranking new 6*s from 1 to 4-5?

LacerosLaceros Posts: 106 ★★
Question is, for champs that are likely to be in the 7* Pool, and for champs already in the 7* Pool would you still rank them up if received as a 6*?

I just don’t know if its worth ranking up 6* cassie if she might be a 7* soon anyway

Are you guys still ranking new 6*s from 1 to 4-5? 137 votes

BigPoppaCBONESnakeEyes69LeNoirFaineantMegaSkater67Heinz11RaganatorEliOrSomethingJKKnoxvilleTendersquadDrenlinzuffyManup456allinashesVegeta9001SungjFrankWhiteCat_MurdockQuikPikLilMaddogHTHendross 116 votes
BashlordMagrailothosMqc19Sw0rdMasterGarloDoom_and_Gloomjay_denIronman3000FiiNCHShenkSparty6Demonic_embraceCyrillFromTulawillrun4adonutHickdog27Raul_ColombiazernixWonderWanderNewtrelhi_im_sir 21 votes


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    mgj0630mgj0630 Posts: 1,047 ★★★★
    I'll likely take more to r4, but I don't think I'll do anymore r5.


    The basic logic for me is the rarity of t6 class cats. Considering they only come 5% at a time (barring some infrequent paid options), and typically of a random class, it still takes a very long time to acquire full cats unless you're playing extremely hard core.

    So yeah, investing 3 t6 class cats into a 6*r5 that will only have stats barely above an equivalent 7*r1, and lower than a 7*r2, I can't make that investment anymore.
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★
    6*r3 can clear content fine. I'm saving the resources to r2 7*.
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    Dtl7714Dtl7714 Posts: 468 ★★★
    7*s aren't that common to abandon 6* rankups unless you are a whale
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    Ansh_AAnsh_A Posts: 545 ★★★
    Still ranking but existing 7* champs taking a backseat. Example is i love elsa bloodstone, she has got me out of lots of fixes but she is not r4 yet because she got released as a 7* before i got r4 mats for her. Three other champs have been r4ed meanwhile
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,258 ★★★★★
    No longer carrying champs past 6r3 who are in the 7* pool. Same with new champs under " 6 month review".
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 ★★★★
    If the next Abyss type content is announced before 7*s start having more availability, I'll probably end up taking 6* Shuri at least to rank 4. But I do think she's the only champion currently in the 7* pool that really deserves to go that high.
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    coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 ★★★
    Doesn’t matter to me I’m just ranking who I like. I took guardian to r4 sig 200 recently and I believe he is gonna be a 7* but I don’t really care because I enjoy the champ.
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    Of course I do, especially the new ones, I want to play with them now, not in 2025
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    Buzerk1969Buzerk1969 Posts: 48
    Limited number of 7* worth ranking and still amazing 6* to rank up. But you need to be smart about it. Don't R5 a 6* that will probably make it to the 7*. My Herc and Hulkling are R5 as I don't expect Kabam to offer them as 7* anytime soon. Same for KP, Scorpion, Nick Fury, etc...
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    Ironman3000Ironman3000 Posts: 1,922 ★★★★★
    I'm not ranking anyone who's in the 7* pool.
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    Vance2_jrVance2_jr Posts: 716 ★★★
    No one in 7* pool, but there are a lot of champs who require hig sigs or who won’t be in 7* pool anytime soon. I throw my love all over them.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,583 ★★★★★
    Of course.

    The 7* pool leaves a ton to be desired.
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    zuffyzuffy Posts: 2,197 ★★★★★
    I R5 doom, scorpion, KP and hulkling recently. There is not a single 7* I would r2 over them.
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