Are you guys still ranking new 6*s from 1 to 4-5?

Question is, for champs that are likely to be in the 7* Pool, and for champs already in the 7* Pool would you still rank them up if received as a 6*?
I just don’t know if its worth ranking up 6* cassie if she might be a 7* soon anyway
I just don’t know if its worth ranking up 6* cassie if she might be a 7* soon anyway
The basic logic for me is the rarity of t6 class cats. Considering they only come 5% at a time (barring some infrequent paid options), and typically of a random class, it still takes a very long time to acquire full cats unless you're playing extremely hard core.
So yeah, investing 3 t6 class cats into a 6*r5 that will only have stats barely above an equivalent 7*r1, and lower than a 7*r2, I can't make that investment anymore.
The 7* pool leaves a ton to be desired.