Post in game for important info

Posted a few times already, all completely ignored! Kabam loves to post things on forums (clicks), they only send in game messages about this info less 10% of the time??? I only check forums every few months, probably like most players (honestly speaking vast majority never come here). Yet Kabam loves posting here, instead of sending in game messages so that all player actually have a clue what’s going on. Sometimes we find out when a huge bug was exploited, rarely do we find out pertinent info without coming to “forums”. Kabam needs to do a 100% better job communicating with players!!! Only way to guarantee to reach ALL players?? In game messages NOT the dam forums. ALL IMPORTANT INFO should be sent as in game message, and fully explained. If ppl have further questions?? Then they can go 2 forums or just google. Waaaaaay too many times have I found out info from ally members that actually go on “forums” bout 20-30% (guessing) is actually useful or occasionally VERY helpful. Would NEVER KNOW otherwise cause Kabam does t let ppl know “in game” where it matters and literally EVERY player will see it at some point. FIX IT!!!!! Asking 1 more time. Sure def ears with no concern, but I tried!!
Only the very important stuff will get sent in-game