Consensus on monthly event quest dialogue.

The reason for this post is just to get a general idea of how many people read the dialogue going through the monthly event quests and side quests, most people just spam the skip button and don’t give it a second thought, but what if the text boxes had voice over work, was styled as a comic at the end of the quest like when finishing act 6 for example, or would people prefer it’s removed all together and the resources spent for the writers go elsewhere in the game. If anyone has been an enjoyer of the storytelling, what is your favorite one that you can remember and what would be one theme you would stay to read and not immediately dismiss. Feedback would be greatly appreciated 👍
Panels could just be the characters in the game with the quest background, just something that I can read start to finish when I have time. If someone on the forum has time to kill every month there’s a project for you.
Would also make for a great way to share all older stories
I do enjoy narrative content in a game but it just kinda drops me out of the flow of playing the game