Defenders not freeing after boss is down
I just cleared the war boss and wanted to bring my 6* NF to AQ, but he is still unavailable as he is part of my war defense. Why are defenders locked after you completed the attack?
Attackers for AW will release once on the final node but AW defenders cannot be used in AQ unless cleared from you defender team.
AW attackers and defenders can be used in other game modes freely except AQ.
It is how it is working, but is it really how it was intended to be ?
Especially in case of having finished off the boss in war (or maybe you weren’t even part of that war), and next War is more than 24 hours away.
Especially in the beginning of the week when there is even that extra OFF-DAY from AW, giving even more time before next war would begin.
When wanting to use a Persistent Defender for the day in AQ, when there is no possibly way that the next War will in any way overlap with the timeframe of the AQ day in which you want to use them.
Add that to potentially having placed different defenders for your +/- potential War Tier Map cases. Those defenders would be locked out too, even if there is no possible way your WR could change enough to cause you to go +/- in War Tier Map.
It says at the top defenders can be used in SOLO content. AQ is not solo content.