4* awakening gems for cyber monday?

Judging by today's black Friday offer we will see 4* awakening gems on Monday, lol. For me and I know a lot of the community will be disappointed with anything short of a pick your own class or a generic 5* awakening gem. That's what people want. I think it will show where the offer team is at if they listen to what the community wants or it's just more of the same disappointing for a big shopping day offer. Tbh black today's offer is good, just not for black Friday. It's a good offer mid september....
If that same offer came back at the same price then that’d be ridiculous, games moved on since then and someone could clear a path or 2 of LoL for cheaper.
Of course someone could. But there is a large player base that has no good champs for LoL. Myself included in that. Regardless of the 17 5* i have my only duped are iron man, iron patriot and rhino. Yet I’m sitting on unduped star lord. So as ridiculous as that unit offer would be kabam knows that many would need it regardless of price.
Yeah it will be great for new players and whales. Leaving the rest of us with nothing of value.
I think Kabam can live without F2P people. Always complaining why a company don't catering to people who never paid a dime. Yet, the people who actually pay alot and get royally screwed has a lesser chance of a complaint. Brian Grant never paid a dime and yet he make majority of P2P people look foolish.
Have you asked him that? Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't get paid by kabam. And if you think YouTube pays handsomely for 10k views on a video then you haven't ever had internet success. Thats like $25 in YouTube depending on your partnership deal.
He keeps it real and based on a free account. Only reason he doesn't get screwed is because he doesn't blow 10k units on 5* blade crystals like the others. He arenas for champs and he is patient. Patience wins when you play a game like this.
He also has made himself look pretty foolish with several of his videos, I'll sight the one about his version of gear only he called it something other than gear, Hwy it's free country but next time someone tells you we were all created equal take a good hard look at bg and make your own judgement, lol
He's stated that he quit his job to play MCOC full time. That makes it his job
If you ain't on your grind, then you flexing, you's a hater boy
true. He called it artifacts. Got so many hate for his statements on 12.0, webslinger etc.now he doesn't open his mouth.
Who is brian grant? Why is he relevant? F2P players have no grounds or rights to demand anything!!!!!
Nobody does to be quite honest. It’s simple - if you don’t like the service, don’t pay. Would you continue to keep going to the same restaurant if the service sucks and the food is terrible?
This is what I don’t understand. People pay hundreds of dollars, yet continue to complain about how bad the game is screwing them out of their money. SO STOP PAYING then.
Clearly you don't have young kids who have every happy meal toy from the last 10 years.
HAHAHA! You got me there! Actually I do! McDonald’s is the exception to the rule...it’s just sooooo gooood!