Another mess up filament store swapped for thronebreaker and paragon

For Paragon material cost is higher than thronebreaker
Please fix it guys

Please fix it guys

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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For example, 1 T5 Iso is 5000 exp for 226 filaments, while a T6 Iso 17500 exp at 724 filaments. A T6 is 3.5x exp points bigger than T5, so if we multiply 226 by 3.5, we get 791 which cost more filaments so it's not unfair.
Thronebreakers will pay 10x1000 6-star hero crystal shards at 739 body filaments
Paragons will pay 5x1000 6-star hero crystal shards at 3448 body filaments?
Unrelated, I'll be working on my tb side accounts. Nice rewards!
These prices are not a mistake.
From the game team:
The cost was higher due to Paragon players having access to more currency throughout the Event.
Or any item... why stop at 7* crystals?
I'm changing my name to JustWantTheNuts idc
Additionally, because Paragon players have access to TB rewards, you are given the ability to purchase the cheaper set of rewards, and then if you want more, buying more is still an option.