Battlwgrounds is bugged
Member Posts: 599 ★★★
I faced this person in battlegroundsost the first round on the second round won the fight when it came tk the match results apperntly we non of us did the second round fight and he won the match NOT COOL AND A MAJOR ISSUE NEEDS TO BE SORTED ASAP i got screwed oit of a possiboe win so KABAM SORT YOUR GAME OUT
Something went wrong with communicating all the end-of-fight data to the game servers, and so it thought there was a Disconnect. (**happens to a lot of people, a lot of the time, ever since BG was added to game)
Further evidence of this is that even though you thought the score was 1-1, there was no 3rd fight.
That's why looking at the results afterward do not show a 2nd fight as having took place.
So victory went to your opponent for winning just fight #1.
Clearly shows opponent earned more points than you.
It is NOT based on having more health remaining on your attacker versus health remaining on defender.
Defender health counts twice as much toward how the match is scored.