Will you open Featured Crystals or Target 6* Basics for more 7 star shards?



  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Vance2_jr said:

    After the Zemo debacle, I’m only opening basics. No point in spending extra shards on shiny new toys that are not guaranteed to stay shiny.

    This guy gets it.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I don’t yet have a developed roster and will be opening basics
    This featured is very poor…there are wins especially the featured champs(dani,LD,adam warlock,silk) but i would much rather open basics for more 7* shards and then save for the next featured.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★

    This featured is very poor…there are wins especially the featured champs(dani,LD,adam warlock,silk) but i would much rather open basics for more 7* shards and then save for the next featured.

    @SidDDragon thinking about this as well but there’s a high chance that feat with kindred and photon will have a lot of garbage champs in the sub feat like this one. At what point would you switch from opening basics to saving for that feat? Guess you can just go all out basics if the subfeat ends up as bad as the one for this upcoming featured Crystal.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I don’t yet have a developed roster and will be opening basics
    Polygon said:

    This featured is very poor…there are wins especially the featured champs(dani,LD,adam warlock,silk) but i would much rather open basics for more 7* shards and then save for the next featured.

    @SidDDragon thinking about this as well but there’s a high chance that feat with kindred and photon will have a lot of garbage champs in the sub feat like this one. At what point would you switch from opening basics to saving for that feat? Guess you can just go all out basics if the subfeat ends up as bad as the one for this upcoming featured Crystal.
    Kindred,photon,vox are all solid champs and as you said the subfeatured pool will also be a deciding factor… but if all 6 featured champs are solid then thats still 1/4 chance of me pulling a desirable champ even if the subfeatured pool is made up of groots which is still better odds than the basic in which case i would go for the featured.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,758 ★★★★★
    I have a developed roster but will open featured crystals
    None of my favorite champs are in the basic 7^ pool, and the new ones I want will be there after many months and unduped. And I surely don't want to r2 Gambit or Killmonger or whatever just because he s more powerful as a 7 star, if I liked these guys I would have had them r4 or r5 as 6 stars already. Instead they re sitting at r1 forever.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    I don’t yet have a developed roster and will be opening basics
    I,d say im close to a developed roaster but my skill and tech class are kinda weak (and i dont have apoc who im currently chasing)
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 560 ★★★
    For me, it's been basics for awhile. I'll use the store to get the discounted crystal when it's available. Don't mind spending the extra 1k shards. Had a horrible run with the current feature which plays a part.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    I have a developed roster but will open featured crystals
    I go for basics one I get the featured champs available in the featured crystal, sadly this time had to go over 80+ crystals without Cassie or Kate so I kept going for featureds and I'll have to go for the next one
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,034 ★★★★
    After reading this and thinking... why am I not juts opening basics (I got all the features, was saving for next pool)

    So I opened my meager 70k 6 star shards I was holding.... so I can get some extra 7 star shards

    I get 3 new champs, on of which (Joe Fixit) is already a duped 7 star...
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
    So now that the crystals out, did anyone get baited by the new feat? Or continuing to open basics for those 7 star shards
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I have a developed roster but will open featured crystals
    I was very lucky with the last featured crystal and pulled every featured champion with the exception of Cassie from it. However, what I learned by doing so is that I don't earn enough mats to rank all of those new champions up. I can realistically only really invest in maybe two or three champions per featured crystal rotation. That makes chasing for every new champion far less appealing to me, even if they were all to be amazing additions to the game.

    I don't know how my strategy will look like going forward. I'm kind of making my mind up currently, and it's a process that's not yet finished. I won't totally forego the featured crystal (especially since the BIS has a hefty discount on them every two weeks), but I also don't save up a ton of shards in anticipation for the next crystal.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    I have a developed roster, and I’ll be opening basics for more 7 star shards
    It will be interesting to see what real effect ascension has, but the power of 7* R2 is crazy.

    Sure, some champs will likely be held out of the 7* for a long time and those are precisely the champs that will get the ascension treatment, but if you have those champs, is there a 6* in the current feature that provides a unique counter needed in today’s game?

    Arguably, Dani is one, and she’s great, but not necessary (disclosure: I have Dani at R3). Silk also (disclosure: my 7* is R2), and an awakened 6* would be nice as a Slow champ.

    Other than that, it’s hard to see a featured champ that makes a sizable difference for me. So, basics it is.

    Dr. Zola
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    It will be interesting to see what real effect ascension has, but the power of 7* R2 is crazy.

    Sure, some champs will likely be held out of the 7* for a long time and those are precisely the champs that will get the ascension treatment, but if you have those champs, is there a 6* in the current feature that provides a unique counter needed in today’s game?

    Arguably, Dani is one, and she’s great, but not necessary (disclosure: I have Dani at R3). Silk also (disclosure: my 7* is R2), and an awakened 6* would be nice as a Slow champ.

    Other than that, it’s hard to see a featured champ that makes a sizable difference for me. So, basics it is.

    Dr. Zola

    I’d say mine would be Silk /Photon since i lack heavy damage dealing science champs (missing scorpion/spot/QS)

  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    I have a developed roster, and I’ll be opening basics for more 7 star shards
    Basics for me. I dont value this featured very highly.
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    I have a developed roster, and I’ll be opening basics for more 7 star shards
    Fortunately, I have time for the Arena. No need for Featured Crystal. Need 7-star shards.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    I have a developed roster but will open featured crystals
    Nothing changes for me. I've always opened multiple features on Day 1 to target the feature champs I want. Then I don't touch features again until the next feature crystal drops.

    I'm not chasing 7*s. If I get em, I get em. If I don't, I don't.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    In few words, featured is a Basic Crystal with 6 new champs but You Will get a ton of Gwenpool dupes for more 5000 6* shards
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★★
    i'm not sure what to do. i have a developed roster and want to maximize 7 star shards, but for now new champions are still relevant for battlegrounds and will be for the next 12 months. for those popping basics, aren't you worried about falling behind in BGs?
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★

    i'm not sure what to do. i have a developed roster and want to maximize 7 star shards, but for now new champions are still relevant for battlegrounds and will be for the next 12 months. for those popping basics, aren't you worried about falling behind in BGs?

    This is indeed a valid concern, IF you care enough for BGs. I don't.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★

    i'm not sure what to do. i have a developed roster and want to maximize 7 star shards, but for now new champions are still relevant for battlegrounds and will be for the next 12 months. for those popping basics, aren't you worried about falling behind in BGs?

    @startropics You have a good point but imo i think you have really break it down, maximizing 7* shards provides more of an advantage. The advantages 7 stars have over 6 stars is just too much, 7 stars are tankier and crit more. Domino use to be one of the worst mutants in the game that received more hate than even Stealthy or Elsa , but now shes a top 7*.

    Plus you could be spending an extra 5k shards for a useless champ in the sub feat which is basically every non featured champ this time around

    Kabam are killing the appeal for these featured crystals with these horrendous sub featured champs in the pool
  • Elite13Elite13 Member Posts: 184
    I dont yet have a developed roster and will be opening featureds
    I really want all the featureds, I'll probably only get to open a few because I just got cav. I've already opened 1 and got Adam Warlock, but i REALLY want lady death strike
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
    Elite13 said:

    I really want all the featureds, I'll probably only get to open a few because I just got cav. I've already opened 1 and got Adam Warlock, but i REALLY want lady death strike

    Whats the hype behind her? What can she do that other techs cant?
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