sell champions

I have many champions which I don't use anywhere nor do I like them. We should be able to sell them so that even if we get a bad character from a crystal some amount of shards would be refunded by selling the trash champ.
A lot of times even objectives are based on specific champions. Just let them sit and rot in the account and use them to your advantage during the aforementioned times. You're better off without selling em.....
It’s your account.
There are videos showing that it’s beneficial.
What horrible thing is going to happen if I sell a 4* ironman?
I will obviously get him again.
Oh no, I don’t get stuff for a dupe of a champ I’ll never use.
Make players more accountable.
Selling champs was removed for a reason, and never will be a good idea to add back.
You get more benefits having them than not having them long-term