Neither are worth it, put 1 point in vitality, greater vitality. Max out block prof, 1 point in perfect block chance and 2 in stand you’re ground. Then put 3 in salve and max recovery. That should be enough to unlock willpower. Vitality and physical resistance are both useless but they’re cheaper to get if you want willpower first. You only need one point for willpower though, the other 2 are far better off in recovery. Adding more to willpower will barely make a difference. This is a screenshot of what I explained above. Hope that helps.
Ok cool u mind showing me your offense and utility tree as well
I can but it’s not necessarily what will work best for you. There’s a basic set up so you should really have precision and cruelty maxed and have the essentials like parry and dexterity. There’s not really a right or wrong way to set up your masteries. There are certain ones you should avoid throwing points into like strength and vitality but there are plenty of good setups that are different to each other. I messed around with mine for ages and this Is just what works best for me, you might prefer to change it slightly.
I can but it’s not necessarily what will work best for you. There’s a basic set up so you should really have precision and cruelty maxed and have the essentials like parry and dexterity. There’s not really a right or wrong way to set up your masteries. There are certain ones you should avoid throwing points into like strength and vitality but there are plenty of good setups that are different to each other. I messed around with mine for ages and this Is just what works best for me, you might prefer to change it slightly.