If I can do it anyone can

I’ve had the game for a good nine years now, and over that time I have never gotten a legends title. So when I saw the title in the threat level 6 rewards, I knew I had to try. I don’t have an awakened hercules, so I went with my 5 star aegon. How bad could it be?
5 hours and 14 revives later, I get to zone 25. Where the final challenge is waiting for me. The hardest fight in the whole event.

The trick is basically just to get the power gain on furies hack combined with the special attack power refund hack as well as the poison on unstoppable hits hack and you have a stupidly high dps stunlocker. This was really fun though, I enjoyed it.
5 hours and 14 revives later, I get to zone 25. Where the final challenge is waiting for me. The hardest fight in the whole event.
It was a ghost with life transfer

The trick is basically just to get the power gain on furies hack combined with the special attack power refund hack as well as the poison on unstoppable hits hack and you have a stupidly high dps stunlocker. This was really fun though, I enjoyed it.