How do you fight Mordo?

Hi, just wondering how I can get past Mordo's Astral Evade? I have an unduped Iceman, but not sure if that would exactly do the trick. Any strategies on fighting him are appreciated (Fighting him in Act 5.1.6 btw).
Iceman isn't the worst option because his ice armor can save you if you catch a sp3, but I'd go for magik or vision first.
When and if you stun him watch your stun debuff timer when it’s about to end then hit him. I’m sure some youtuber made a video about how to fight him.
For sure, there are better ways and mine is a risk I take.
If he blocks and holds, heavy to stop power gain.
Or use drax and medium hit after parry.
It just takes practice my friend. Glad it worked out.