Thank You BrutalDLX and Kabam

This legends challenge was awesome. A bit grindy with the 7 chapters. My only criticism is the lack of t6 class cats. Should have been full selector. But the quest was challenging but fun. When you figure out the tricks it was very enjoyable. This is the type of end game content I want. These absolutely boring “of legends “ quests are way too long and soul crushing. One path with super hard fights is THE WAY. Realm of legends is still the best content ever created by Kabam followed by Eternity of Pain. Now BDLX. Smaller paths with hard bosses and Meta rewards is what we deserve
It was the worst piece of "challenging" content they've ever produced. Having paragons have to run through 217 fights for those kind of rewards was a horrible design. I feel bad that BrutalDLX had to have his name attached to this. The fights were fun and I'm sure he had input in those but i cannot believe he knew about how they were going to torture us with the execution of it all.
They should have separated the difficulties like they do for the eq and sq so we could choose to do the lower ones instead of forcing it on us
But yeah, shorter and harder is the way, rather than longer with medium difficulty.
Kabam should’ve taken a page from that model. This would’ve been far more palatable with the rewards locked behind A) act completion or
Having paragons that can field a full team of 7-stars or max 6-stars trudge through the bottom half of these fights for nearly nothing is way annoying.