I'm sure a lot of people have mostly reverted to the basic since you get more 7* shards. New champs are nice for BGs if you are willing to invest, but the odds aren't great as people begin to have all of the non-featured champs and they run out of novelty champs like Wolvie.
I really want adam and silk. I've got 200k saved up for this. Going to do my own mass opening for fun. I've got... 13 feat 2 7* 2 old feat 2 cos/tech 6* 7 paragon 3 6* And about a billion of those crimson crystals lol
Never saved up so much before but really excited for this!
Managed to get myself a Silk from 6 crystals. The rest were pretty mid; duped night thrasher twice, Guilly, Gwenpool and Black Widow. I'll stop once I pull Adam, god knows how long that'll take though.
I opened 21, the popped the rest of my 6* shards on basics for the 7* shards. Got 3 out of my 4 top wants, including my top target Lady D, the only ‘older’ champs in this pool I didn’t have, and a first time dup on my BWCV. Only one I’m fairly interested in that I didn’t get is Adam W, but don’t want him enough to buy more of these cyrstals at 15k. Will buy 1 every 2 weeks for 11k from now on - otherwise done with this featured.
Dani LDS
13 feat
2 7*
2 old feat
2 cos/tech 6*
7 paragon
3 6*
And about a billion of those crimson crystals lol
Never saved up so much before but really excited for this!
I pulled 4 of the 6 featureds and duped silk the main one i was hoping to get multiple of
Had enough for 3.
Silk - 2
Adam Warlock
Punisher 2099
Night Thrasher
Luke Cage
Gwenpool - 2
Black Widow
Wish me good luck,