The December Update !

Hey Kabam, I have to ask you about December's Solo Event Theme ! What will be that ? Will be the theme based on Black Panther ? Plz do reply !
Jaydev Kandpal(Jaydev217)
Jaydev Kandpal(Jaydev217)
This sounds like a random thread
To the OP if you do mean Event quests next month will another Modok quest like what they had earlier.
Yes there is, a MODOK solo event.
He clearly means event quests which are played by solo players
eXtripa: "ThErE iS nO cOnFiRmAtIoN tHiS iS jUsT a RuMoR"
This should repeat again !
He wasn't clear enough then. He clearly said "solo event theme" which is the same as asking for new unique solo events that sometimes come with the monthly event.
And I'm correct. There is no confirmation of that.
U understand what I meant there ? I meant about The December's Event Quest !
If he wasn't clear on the question you cannot be clear and right on the answer.
I could say automobile but I still mean a car... he said solo event theme meaning monthly quests, as again it's the only solo themed thing that changes monthly.
So no, your not correct, take a deep breathe and accept it
The answer I gave is correct. I wasn't talking about the monthly quest, I was talking about the solo events
No.No more Holiday Hi jinx.
Sorry about that Mistake and Let it Go !
But why? OP was talking about monthly quests, so you answered his question wrong.