Legends crystals should be permanent

Give us like 1 per day. These crystals were great. The first thing in a LONG while I can remember that Kabam actually added something good to the game. Now they're expiring and I miss them already.
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But things in this game are devaluing fast due to inflation of the game economy.
Watch how much overpowered these crystals will look after Cyber Monday deals 😉
As for a nerfed version of these crystals, updated Paragon dailies could be that.
Although I really doubt the devs have any plans for this, especially with the next progression title coming soon, and they will probably be working on that.
Legend celebration crystals were good while they lasted 🙂
They can change the 7* selector to a random basic 7* or may be a 6* Nexus if they don't want daily crystals to offer a full 7"