Anyone Else Just Too Lazy/Bored To Play Bgs?

Seriously getting to gold 1 took too long cuz I don’t enjoy bgs anymore. I have never missed glads circ before but this season I def will. Just not enjoying bgs, anyone else? I say bring on the next new game mode cuz bgs is the new arena in my opinion!
Extra tiers = more tokens = I like
You can play almost any other game mode and unless you want to restart or item out, you feel like you've made progress towards rewards (run little hamster!!).
Conversely, you can sit down to play BGs for 45 minutes and have nothing to show at the end. It too often feels like dead time, or, even worse, negative progress, will be the result of playing BGs.
That's not "fun".
I don't need to 'maximize' the rewards I earn, because at the end of the day, the acceleration to account progression these things can provide to an account means little to me. The take home is that just play what you want to play to get your account where you want it to be.
With a kid, a wife, randos walking by at work, etc, I just keep expecting an interruption and it just gives me another reason to avoid it entirely.
How well that actually works will probably take a few seasons to see, but I'm fine with that for now.
I would imagine a 2 win, 1 lost Token up until we get to Vibranium 1 make the BG experience more enjoyable.
The feeling of moving forward 1 step only to take 2 step back doesn't encourage more participation. Especially you are in Gold Tier and usually face much higher account than yourself.
No. 😎