I ascended my inventory

Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,293 ★★★★★
Okay, I need to admit that I did it for science. I already had 200 tier 1 dust (maximum) and was able to collect 50 more from the objective. I was just like “come on give it a shot and lets see what happens”.

Guess what? Dust goes in overflow:

I did the same with glory but it caps out at 15k and nothing goes in the overflow.

The reason behind is probably that glory is a currency and dust is a resource but perhaps the max. Cap of Glory (15k) can be extended soon? Incursion currency was extended, loyalty has no max, BC has no max.

Would you also like to see the increase of the glory cap?


  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,293 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Cool to see someone confirm this. Thanks for testing it

    Welcome buddy ☺️
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Why are they in the objects category
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,293 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023

    Why are they in the objects category

    I also did not expect them to appear there. Because they are no „real“ catalysts I assume
  • raviXsharmaraviXsharma Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Where did you get all these from???
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★

    Where did you get all these from???

    this. i had no idea there was that much dust available
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,885 ★★★★★
    Thanks for doing the research!

    I asked about the Glory cap and everyone just downvoted me into oblivion.

    Seemed like a reasonable ask. I'm not even sure I'll end up suffering from it but I'm sure players will.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,207 ★★★★★
    Deacon said:

    Where did you get all these from???

    this. i had no idea there was that much dust available
    The dust from the event milestones
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    Deacon said:

    Where did you get all these from???

    this. i had no idea there was that much dust available
    Monthly total for tier1 dust is 400, and 350 of that is currently available.

    Inventory cap is 200. OP already exceeded the limit, so all his additional dust(s) went into overflow.
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2023
    The glory cap is SO STUPID. And it's horrible that the game doesn't give you any kind of warning when you try to claim Glory that's going to take you over your cap. There's also a 150,000 cap on battlegrounds currency. I've hit the cap on both that and Glory without knowing it, and lost currency I was trying to claim.

    Do you know how high the Incursion currency cap is now? I had heard it was around 250,000, but now that the 7-star costs 400,000 it must be higher.

    It's incredibly stupid and inconsistent that SOME currency has arbitrary caps on it, while some does not. Like you said, I believe there's no cap on units, gold, battle chips or loyalty. Yet we have caps on glory, battlegrounds currency and incursions currency. Why? And, even worse, the information on these caps is absolutely absent and missing from the game. You cannot find out what the cap is while playing the game UNTIL you hit the cap on that resource. Which means by that time you've already thrown away resources.

    At least for the things that are considered "inventory items," we have at least a week to deal with exceeding the cap by working out of the overflow. There either needs to be an overflow put in for glory, battlegrounds currency and incursions currency, or the caps need to be eliminated.

    ELIMINATE ALL CAPS! I wrote that in all caps for emphasis!
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 184
    Deacon said:

    this. i had no idea there was that much dust available

    Alliance war objective 50 Tier 1, 100 Tier 2
    Alliance quest objective 50 Tier 1, 20 Tier 2
    Enlistment solo event 50 Tier 1, 30 Tier 2
    Enlistment alliance event 50 Tier 1, 30 Tier 2
    Battlegrounds milestones 50 Tier 1, 20 Tier 2

    Paragons also got 150 free Tier 1 dust. So we can ascend 4 5-stars and 1 6-star by the end of this month.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    To be honest, people should be spending things like Glory and Trophies. I mean, I get saving for a specific purpose, but I don't understand hoarding indefinitely.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★

  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2023

    To be honest, people should be spending things like Glory and Trophies. I mean, I get saving for a specific purpose, but I don't understand hoarding indefinitely.

    One reason to hoard is because the cost goes down at later progression levels. I tried to hold all my Battlegrounds tokens until I got to Paragon. I just had to spend a few before I got there once I hit the cap, which I had never known existed until I was "showing off" to somebody that I had earned exactly 150,000. Little did I know some of it had been siphoned away by Kabam for exceeding the cap, with absolutely no notification given to me. Since hitting Paragon, I've brought my hoard down to about 100,000.

    With Glory, I hate buying more than one of anything, because of how the cost goes up. So I usually just spend what I earn in the weekly quest by buying one of various things until I get just under 15,000. I only spend more if I'm forced to because of "bonus" glory like we're getting this month. Or, if I am actually "desperate" for a specific resource.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★

    To be honest, people should be spending things like Glory and Trophies. I mean, I get saving for a specific purpose, but I don't understand hoarding indefinitely.

    One reason to hoard is because the cost goes down at later progression levels. I tried to hold all my Battlegrounds tokens until I got to Paragon. I just had to spend a few before I got there once I hit the cap, which I had never known existed until I was "showing off" to somebody that I had earned exactly 150,000. Little did I know some of it had been siphoned away by Kabam for exceeding the cap, with absolutely no notification given to me. Since hitting Paragon, I've brought my hoard down to about 100,000.

    With Glory, I hate buying more than one of anything, because of how the cost goes up. So I usually just spend what I earn in the weekly quest by buying one of various things until I get just under 15,000. I only spend more if I'm forced to because of "bonus" glory like we're getting this month. Or, if I am actually "desperate" for a specific resource.
    In terms of BG Trophies, I can understand a Season or two. However, they're more useful in preparation for Paragon, honestly. That's how I ended up getting my R4s before I did my Kang run.
    As for Glory, we make it week after week. I don't see any sense in sitting on it indefinitely. Personal opinion I suppose.
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