Have arena battleships crystals been nerfed?

Just thought I'd open some battleships and replace some units I've spent today. I have 2.5 million it takes alot of effort to gain 100k. Hours. So 2.5mill takes months. Usually I can open 200-300k and get 200-300 units. Now normally I go the cheapest safest route because I've been burned baddd by thronebreaker arena crystals once opening 1.5mill and get nothing but gold. It really broke me and i was hot. Eventually i got over it. But today I open 500k of arena crystals and although I did miss one of the ten pop (20k worth) idk why it closed the window.. I really doubt I hit the jackpot on that one pop so for this opening atleast what I saw I got either 180 or 210 units for 5 rounds of 100k.. can't quite remember. If I had 2 or 3 rounds of 60units but definitely had two rounds of 30. So at this rate 2mill more battlechips will net 840 on average. This just isn't good enough. I remember times when I used to pop 100k and get 210 units or more. But those days are seemingly gone or atleast are very very very less likely. So you say no silent nerfs for Champs but does that go for battleships crystals too. Because these drop rates are trash now
I've been opening 10 Thronebreaker Arena crystals at a time and the last 10 I opened netted me 2250 units and 810k gold. The two times before that I got 1k units each pop... it's all random.
Disappointment is in the probability.
Getting hurt expecting big drops is self sustained injury.
No one consistently gets 180-210 units for every batch of 100k BC, even from the lowest tier of arena crystals. That in and of itself would be highly improbable over long periods of time. That would be like rolling 7s over and over again in craps. 7 is the average for two dice, and 7 is the most common possible roll, but doing it over and over again is extremely unlikely.