Primordial Dust during Cyber Monday - Should Kabam avoid another BG disaster?

User experience completely changed for BGs players following the July 4 deals , of which contained the frowned upon Odins as players could just buy their way for multiple r5 gems - something we had never seen before as these resources were so rare. Imagine all the effort /time grinding the Carinas just for a single gem, and players could just buy them easily.
This completely ruined the experience of BGs for many as it entailed matching against whales with absolutely stacked accounts.
I can see the situation getting even worse if they add primordial dust in the money offers as players would have a ton of ascended champions in their decks. (Personally i think they should avoid having it in the money offers but can in the unit deals to give the f2p or casual spenders a chance to obtain as well)
This completely ruined the experience of BGs for many as it entailed matching against whales with absolutely stacked accounts.
I can see the situation getting even worse if they add primordial dust in the money offers as players would have a ton of ascended champions in their decks. (Personally i think they should avoid having it in the money offers but can in the unit deals to give the f2p or casual spenders a chance to obtain as well)
Primordial Dust during Cyber Monday - Should Kabam avoid another BG disaster? 132 votes
Second, Kabam is a business and needs to make money, and ascension materials are like Titan shards and T6cc and AGs -- a highly valuable commodity people will pay for. So don't get your hopes up about them not including them in deals. Kabam will sell ascension materials and make them game rewards.
July 4th shifted things a lot because a player who has played since day 1 and done every single piece of content in the game couldn’t come close to earning what people were able to buy in a few hours if that. We had never seen a shift that drastic in rosters, but don’t get me wrong the p2w aspect has always been percent, it just was never at that lvl.
I fear for what will happen with these next deals but we shall see.
Just my opinion on this 👍🏼
Ascended 6* = 7*R2... yeah sure ...
Ascension gives it an entire tier up, so Ascended R5 is close to R3 7*
I know I will not buy the offers but spender that do should get value for their money.
An ascended 5s is equivalent to a 6sr3, level 1.
Dr. Zola
“July 4th shifted things a lot because a player who has played since day 1 and done every single piece of content in the game couldn’t come close to earning what people were able to buy in a few hours if that. “
We want the company to profit sure, but do we really want completely broken offers that set a huge massive gap to make user experience in BGs completely one sided? @Gogi @Colinwhitworth69 @GroundedWisdom
The game offers Sales, and the newest materials that are released are always offered in some capacity for sale, usually before we get our hands on them for free. We're fortunate they released Dust in content first.
The game always adjusts to what they sell after. It's never been such a massive gap that people can't get there over time.
You can't stop selling things because there's a competition.
But, again, ascension dust is a rare and highly valuable item. It will sell well. I do expect them to find ways to get dust into the hands of everyone thru events, objectives, calendars and such.
I just ascended my first 6 star, Kingpin, and love it. Can't wait to ascend another champ.
The fact is, most folks now aren't looking to r5 a 6* with actual mats, they'd do it with a gem. They'll save mats for the 7r3s and r4s, coming way sooner than you think. So then you're looking at a lot of newer paragons thinking Why rank up any 6* champ i can get as a 7*, and do i really want to ascend a 6r4?
This will be very interesting in 2 1/2 months time, indeed.