Honestly, I actually really like Relics and honestly, I bet everyone probably agrees..

BadPullsMarcoBadPullsMarco Member Posts: 418 ★★★
They just feel too ridiculous to rank up and acquire. If it wasn’t for the scarcity and high monetary price tag on everything end game in the game it probably would be fine but given that, it’s just too much. I hope this gets sorted out because again, I actually think they’re a perfect way to buff a champ that’s probably not gonna get any love for some time.


  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,417 ★★★★★
    Agreed, I have a few I'd love to rank up but they're just too expensive for the value you get out of them, and with how quickly the game's economy is moving nowadays I don't think I'll ever get to rank up any of them.
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Most people see relics as just combo extenders and nothing else.
    Then some people use them for their niche abilities they give to a couple champions which takes some champions from average to very good (eg no dex buff for spider gwen with the s99 relic or widow relic for ronin).
    To do either of these things, you only need the relic itself and most times at any rarity.
    So ranking up relics serves no purpose at all for most people which is why I personally believe relic rankup rewards are basically useless because I'm not going to spend gold that I can use for ranking up a champion to provide a very teensy tiny boost to a stat which I probably won't even notice.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 982 ★★★★
    Well this is exactly it ^

    Like the OP, I like Relic and did try pair them up properly (or at least tried).

    But it does feel all very confusing and at the same time pointless.

    When it first come out, I tried to ranked my 3 and 4* and it just seem pointless.

    Right now I got 3 x Tier 3 Basic Alloy, which I assume have some value and have no idea if it worth using to rank a 5* Relic or try to chase Celestial and Class Alloy to take a 6* Relic up.

    Have no idea hoe much it will improve and even worth the effort (instead of using thos currency on Champion rank up materials).

    So little information about.

    Even the UI for Relic is buggy and no one even bother to mention it, the game only show you the Relic you don't own in total through all rarities, so you can really find out quick which relic you are missing for a 3, 4, 5 or 6*

    Also Alloy on the Overflow stash does have the +(whatever the number is) in our inventory.

    If Kabam want to do more with Relic they definitely nned more focus, and would also be nice if there are some CCP video in YT about Relic, maybe even a Tier and best pairing video. The fact that there isn't just so how little players and CCP care about Relic.
  • MikeHancho31MikeHancho31 Member Posts: 247 ★★★
    I like my awakened 6* Juggs relic on my r3 Juggs. The same with my 6* relic Black Panther on my r4 Shang-Chi
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,005 ★★★★★
    I’m coming round to them. Every now and again I look at ranking them up. But then I go to the glory story and BG store, look at the cost of relic material and think not a chance. If it’s a choice between the high cost of relic rank up or T6B/T3A/T6CC I’m choosing the latter.

    We still need Showcase videos like Karate Mike does for new champions to the contest. Show what each relic can do to different champions. Show us they’re not just combo extenders. Honestly think Kabam are shooting themselves in the foot by not showcasing every relic. Only needs a 2-3 minute video, show how many hits and seconds against ROL Winter Soldier with and without a relic. Show what the fight looks like with a fully ranked up relic.
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    The Thor relic is really fun on Angela, extra buffs boosts her specials and sig and she can get full value out of its dupe ability
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,623 ★★★★★
    I'm upset they put new relics on pause.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,954 Guardian
    They are actually very very good. They really improve some good champs and make them even better. Always been a fan.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
    I think relics have a couple of basic problems that made it hard to appreciate them at first. The main problem is that, unlike with champions, I don't think the star ratings make much sense. A 3* champion will be worthwhile for 3* content and the difference to a 6* champion isn't really there in any other way than a bump of the basic stats.

    However, I always found the same star-based system really weird for relics. Unlike when champions use that system, there's really no comparing 3 and 6* relics. They aren't equally good in their intended contents. The 6* is just, without a doubt, better than the 3*. That might at first glance seem similar to how champions get better and better stats as you get higher star ratings, but I would actually compare it to if their actual abilities got better and better when you moved from a 3 to a 4 to a 5 to a 6*. Imagine if a 3* Dr. Doom had a 50% chance to passively stun the opponent with his heavy attack, while the 4* version had a 60% chance, the 5* a 75% chance and finally the 6* a full 100% chance.

    What this meant for my appreciation of the relic system is that they, for a very long time, never matter to me beyond the striker itself. What do I care if I get 1,3% increased bleed potency or 2,7% buff duration? Those are made-up examples, but that's how it felt. The effects were too inconsequential for me to care about them in any way. It's not that those small changes were meaningless for my 6*s but would have benefited my 3*s greatly - they were just bad all around.

    Now that I've begun to amass a selection of higher-rarity relics, that's beginning to change. I'm beginning to see some values that actually does affect my champions in meaningful ways. I've yet to pull a 6* relic so I imagine that their value will only continue to increase as I move even higher up.

    However, it took a year for me to get to this point and that's a shame.

    A second huge problem is that there was no clear way to see how you'd benefit from ranking them up. I've grown so accustomed to Auntm.ai having all of the stats for every champion in the game, and the means to show you how they benefit from higher ranks. But Auntm.ai doesn't have anything for relics, and neither does MCOC as such (as far as I'm aware). What's the point of ranking up the relics? Which should I concentrate on? It has all felt too difficult to get a proper overview of.

  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    Wow everyone probably agreed the title was true
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,540 ★★★★
    Said it before, I'll say it again: if strikers were collectible npcs like Lockjaw, Herbie, devil dinosaur or spider-cat, I'd spend for that. As they are now, I'm fine they're like the extraneous toy at the bottom of my cereal box, but I'm not spending anything to rank up or get higher rarities.
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★
    Eh, they’re fine. But they’re mainly just combo extenders. Idk much about the actual abilities, and the ones I do know don’t seem to do much.

    They also led to the introduction of my least favorite new node where power gain is completely nuked unless you throw a striker.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 727 ★★★

    Why did You have to ruin it random forum user
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    The initial relic seems useless and just a combo extender. Once I began ranking the relic and slots... the relics are now noticeable and valuable.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 982 ★★★★
    2StarKing said:

    The initial relic seems useless and just a combo extender. Once I began ranking the relic and slots... the relics are now noticeable and valuable.

    Could you let me know at what rarity are you ranking up, 5* or 6*, or both.

    Also are 3 and 4* have much improvement from ranking up?
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,615 ★★★★
    Which cosmic champ excels the most with the Thor Relic? Asking for a friend…
  • e_mace_mac Member Posts: 102
    Bulmkt said:

    Which cosmic champ excels the most with the Thor Relic? Asking for a friend…

    I got my Thor relic on Angela, because she's got precision, fury and armor up in her kit which is what Thor relic's tackles. It seems he was pretty much made for her.
  • BadPullsMarcoBadPullsMarco Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    I’ve never felt so valued on this forum, it’s kind of uncomfortable…we’re grounded wisdom when you need him ;)
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,396 ★★★
    I honestly hated the idea of relics when I heard of them.
    But so far they’ve done nothing but benefit me.

    I’m still not going to pretend to understand how to do the best rank up and rune stuff.
    That’s a bit confusing.
  • Mario_ClarMario_Clar Member Posts: 175
    Bulmkt said:

    Which cosmic champ excels the most with the Thor Relic? Asking for a friend…

    You can look at my profile I have infographics of each Relic
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    I‘m ranking up mainly 5* to MAX (or 6* just a little). The required materials can be gathered from BG or some Shops (AQ, BG) within some weeks. They are quite useful and boost your Prestige.

    If you want more 5*/6* Relics, earn them from ranking up in BGs. Or TB/Paragon Event.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    My biggest issues with Relics.

    1. Ranking up Relics feels not only pointless, but confusing with all the rank up materials. I only ever put embers into the runes, and even that can be confusing what to use because some of them are for such niche functions/characters.

    2. Kabam keeps pushing Relics - 90% of the rewards especially in the higher tiers for objectives is relics materials - yet now they’re on hold for who knows how long, but they still keep pumping us with these rewards as if they held a ton of value. If many relics are only going to work efficiently with a small pool of champs, then we need more relics for the others to benefit from them.

    3. Gold gold gold. Gold being necessary to rank them makes me simply not want rank them up at all. I know it’s not a precious valuable resource, but to a lot of us it is and I’d rather spend that amount of gold ranking up more of my roster. (I also think gold shouldn’t be necessary with the champion rank up gems but that’s another matter)
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,396 ★★★

    Bulmkt said:

    Which cosmic champ excels the most with the Thor Relic? Asking for a friend…

    You can look at my profile I have infographics of each Relic
    I may check out your infographics.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,311 ★★★★★
    There are some interesting relics, and there are other useless relics .... Some relic abilities are very creative... For example, Mister sinister relic inflicts a self bleed on the champ that does no damage, when activated... Pairing it with my 7* domino, I can self inflict bleed and purify it for instant 10% power. This one is very creative.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    If relies didn’t whiff so much they would be way more useful, half the time they are whiffing 1-2 hits and costing people fights instead of helping.
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