Locked defenders in AW even though not enlisted in off season

My defenders are locked in AW even though we are not enlisted during off season. I cannot use any of my assigned defenders in AQ even though we are not in a war. I assume this is a bug… that is to say, this is not intended?
Whether you are currently in a war or not (for most people, that leaves only the 1 day between Sun-Tues war and Wed-Fri war), your persistent defenders are considered in use because they are “persistent”, even during that 24 hrs in between 1 weeks set of 3 wars and the next weeks.
So evidently, turning OFF your Ally’s enlistment (so, skipping wars, like in off-season) would still lock out your persistent defenders (persistent, for whenever your Ally does elect to run a war, so in mean time they are still considered a “defender”).