Battleground issue

I have played about 50 or 60 games in battlegrounds and in each and every game I have had to start by choosing defender... clearly this is a huge disadvantage against the opponent and it is difficult for me to move up. Is this happening to anyone else? Is it a bug or am I having tremendous bad luck? Does anyone know what the AI is based on to choose the starting order?
Thank you
Thank you
Bad RNG... bad luck... whatever you want to call it. You aren't being intentionally wronged, it's not being done maliciously, and it certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility.
Things like picking first or second though should be more level, but I don't believe it should be at the cost of discouraging the competitive edge
For me it's normal.
That would be a true “Level Field”, as well as cut the time in half that it takes for all those selections (both players doing it at SAME TIME).
Whether it is actually evening out overall is a separate issue, but I suspect that is the reason why we pick in turns rather than simultaneously. More interesting options that were supposed to even out to give no one a net overall advantage or disadvantage.
The reason I ask is because of your statement, "I don't recall having a streak where the opponent was always the first to pick 10 times in a row". This is not a personal attack, but chances are if it did happen, you wouldn't remember unless you actively track it. The opponent picking first in a lengthy streak benefits you. You're more apt to remember times where things went against you.
I don't often remember poker hands that won me big pots, but I can recall with crystal clarity the bad beats I took to lose.