It's Possible Red Skull Becomes a Gigachad Overnight

If the rework of champs are justly done, the significant efforts of the community will be impacted positively.
From string bean to Stacy's Red Skull we trust.
Everyone can win and benefit from the potential Giga Skull buff.
From string bean to Stacy's Red Skull we trust.
Everyone can win and benefit from the potential Giga Skull buff.
Signature Ability:
When an opponent triggers Power Drain by striking his block, Red Skull has up to 70% chance not to lose an a Armour buff.
Additionally, each Armour buff grants up to +12.% Attack rating.
This is a buff, not a complete rework.
He's not being given the Iron Man treatment. It won't be a whole new kit and he won't feel like a completely new Champion.
We should set expectations a lot closer to him falling between what Thor (Jane Foster) and Spider-Man's buffs were than to what Magneto became. I'm not expecting him to end up like OG Hulk. Thor (Jane Foster) I feel was the most underwhelming result of a character being buffed. I use Red Skull about as much as I use her (almost exclusively in arenas) so if he ends up like her: Hey, he was buffed, cool.
My expectations were managed, I'm not disappointed. If he turns out like Hulk? Pleasantly surprised and completely unexpected.
But if I start out expecting Hulk? I'm setting myself up for failure.
All I want out of the buff is for Red Skull to be a champ you don't have to go all in on to get frequent benefits out of. Make it easier to get Armor Ups, he doesn't lose them on block if awakened, throw in a sassy Easter Egg ability and/or self-synergy and call it a day.
Personally, i think the buff would go a long way if he got some quality of life changes and some ways to increase all of dmg from number or armor ups. He already has interesting mechanic: awakened he gets a good chunk of power gain while charging heavy. Why not play with it? Give him some unstoppables on heavy, maybe phase or some sort of safety to be able to charge it without worry of getting 5 hit combo to the face. Turn it into playstyle, make his utilites easier to apply in real bg fight, and give him respectable dmg atleast in short matchups. Done