Summoners Sigil/Black Iso Market update for Paragon

ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Member Posts: 444 ★★★★
5* sigil champs come with sign up

6* sigil champs available for 72 sigil tokens

7* sigil champs available for 160 sigil tokens

6* basic crystal available for 54 sig tokens

7* basic crystal available for 120 sig tokens

Trade 10K 6* shards for 2k 7* shards weekly

Trade 10K 6* shards for 1k Titan shards weekly

Trade 1 t6b or t3a for 1t6cc weekly

Trade 5* 2000 relic shards for 1000 6* relic shards

Trade 100 t1 primordial dust for 50 t2 primordial dust weekly

1 new exclusive Sigil champ each year. At the end of that year, champ remains available in BIM store, but also enters Titan and 6* feature crystals, followed by basic.


  • ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Member Posts: 444 ★★★★
    Understand your point, but here’s the counter… we’ve had multiple months now with thousands of Titan shards available for free within content. If players are going to spend money every month, the numbers should rival that.

    I agree, the trade numbers I put are overly optimistic, but if I saw a trade that only offered something like 100 Titan shards when I need TWENTY THOUSAND to form a crystal, it would just piss me off. Whatever they come up with, the number at least needs to move the needle.

    Right now, I’d just love to hear from someone saying they’re at least working on it. Glory is buffed, incursions rewards were buffed, BG store was buffed a bit ago, and loyalty buff should probably be next week… it’s black iso markets turn.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,353 Guardian

    with opening 7* crystals, and getting a max sig crystal

    Do we even know if there are max sig crystals for 7*s yet? It took a super long time for the 6*s to get them.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,212 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    with opening 7* crystals, and getting a max sig crystal

    Do we even know if there are max sig crystals for 7*s yet? It took a super long time for the 6*s to get them.
    Someone is gonna have to ask Usafa or Damnepicwhale. They're the only 2 off the top of my head that would be in a position to find out
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    edited September 2023
    ShoNuff29 said:

    Understand your point, but here’s the counter… we’ve had multiple months now with thousands of Titan shards available for free within content. If players are going to spend money every month, the numbers should rival that.

    I agree, the trade numbers I put are overly optimistic, but if I saw a trade that only offered something like 100 Titan shards when I need TWENTY THOUSAND to form a crystal, it would just piss me off. Whatever they come up with, the number at least needs to move the needle.

    Right now, I’d just love to hear from someone saying they’re at least working on it. Glory is buffed, incursions rewards were buffed, BG store was buffed a bit ago, and loyalty buff should probably be next week… it’s black iso markets turn.

    I wasn't trying to be completely dismissive of your ideas and I apologize if it came across that way. I also understand that these types of conversations are delicate. It feels like a negotiation. We're asking for something from Kabam. We don't want to undersell ourselves and ask for too little, because if they agree and we actually wanted more, then we immediately come across as seeming ungrateful because we either immediately ask for more, or try to return to that negotiation a lot sooner. We also don't want to ask for exactly what it is we want because if they say no but counter, we will never really be willing to settle. So I completely understand your instinct to start by asking for something higher than what you feel would be appropriate, it creates some room to negotiate and allows for compromise and the end result is usually closer to what both parties want.

    But it's important to actually factor in current value, even if you feel it's outdated. Coming at them with something too high is probably just going to result in it being dismissed. Kabam has said many times they will converse with us if we're being constructive and offering feedback. We as a community need to keep in mind that very few conversations which involve Kabam community members actually improve in tone and temper over time. Meaning the longer they go on and the more they're involved, typically the more unrealistic and deconstructive some people become. If the conversation starts and it appears to be coming from an unrealistic or tense place, there's not much incentive for them to join it.

    If we want more transparency and better communication from Kabam, that's exactly what we need to give them.

    Your ask for the store to be updated. Completely realistic and understandable.
    Your expectation of having some sort of response from Kabam, even if it's just: "We are looking into it and it's on our agenda as a priority." Is also something that I think is beyond reasonable. The sigil store hasn't been updated since inception. It's well past due. It's something we pay for. I only caution against diminishing the merits behind your request by throwing expectations at them which will only come across as entitled and unrealistic.

    It doesn't build the foundation of a healthy conversation.

    Personally: I would like to see an additional subscription tier added. I would like to see the initial tier improved, not just the initial store remain exactly as is and only the second tier offer improvements. I would actually like to see some aspects of the initial store filter towards the FTP community (inventory increase, item trades/exchanges, Sigil Witch rotated into the basic/titan pool, etc..) and I think this is actually one of the most important aspects because I believe it would encourage Kabam to update the Sigil store more frequently. The sigil store is a way for players to support the game and keep things improving, but to do that the store itself needs to keep improving and things that are implemented into the store eventually need to filter into the base game so that FTP players can benefit as well.
  • ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Member Posts: 444 ★★★★
    Didn’t take it as dismissive at all. It was a well thought out response. Greatly appreciated. As for your last message, I think I agree with basically all of it. The point of the original post was to at restart the convo on the store. The only thing neglected more than the BIM is the Dual Mastery Setup 🥴… and maybe the BPCW buff lol. The way the games economy moves, almost every store needs to be updated every 6 months. I understand that’s not always feasible, but none should get past a year. I think the health potion trade-ins were the last BIM “buff” and that was so long ago. Even then the rest of the store needed to be buffed.
  • DUHveedDUHveed Member Posts: 356 ★★★
    edited September 2023
    I completely agree we need an update to the sigil. I gave Kabam that feedback today in a survey. Some of the trade-ins are meh at best. At this point I only use the store to get a bit more time out of the t5b and t2a that are in my overflow, and the only real reason I can justify keeping the sigil each month is for the faster energy refreshes and increased inventory space. I’m definitely okay with spending a bit to support the game, but I at least want to have the feeling I’m getting my money’s worth. At this point I’m not sure if I am.
    Edit: Forgot to include the discounted featured crystal every 2 weeks. I guess that’s decent since I don’t open featured crystals at full price
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,099 ★★★★★
    They just sent a survey out to (me/everyone?) and it asked about this. 🤞
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 2,685 ★★★★★
    ShoNuff29 said:

    5* sigil champs come with sign up

    6* sigil champs available for 72 sigil tokens

    7* sigil champs available for 160 sigil tokens

    6* basic crystal available for 54 sig tokens

    7* basic crystal available for 120 sig tokens

    Trade 10K 6* shards for 2k 7* shards weekly

    Trade 10K 6* shards for 1k Titan shards weekly

    Trade 1 t6b or t3a for 1t6cc weekly

    Trade 5* 2000 relic shards for 1000 6* relic shards

    Trade 100 t1 primordial dust for 50 t2 primordial dust weekly

    1 new exclusive Sigil champ each year. At the end of that year, champ remains available in BIM store, but also enters Titan and 6* feature crystals, followed by basic.

    Yes...and revove the 1/1 purchase limit, and shorten the turnaround times
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