Who deserves R4 and max~ sig?

Most of my staple R4 and R5s are already max sig, and the ones that aren't don't really need it or are at a sweet spot (Kingpin, CGR, Hulkling, Cassie, Nimrod, Scorpion, QS etc.)
I was hoping to get Dani, but after multiple crystals, she's the only featured I haven't gotten. I have about 60 mutant stones, and over 160 generics, and a few for the other classes.
I've started looking deeper into my roster of 6 stars who I haven't gotten around to taking up much, but could be viable at r4 and high sig.
I was hoping to get Dani, but after multiple crystals, she's the only featured I haven't gotten. I have about 60 mutant stones, and over 160 generics, and a few for the other classes.
I've started looking deeper into my roster of 6 stars who I haven't gotten around to taking up much, but could be viable at r4 and high sig.
Who deserves R4 and max~ sig? 21 votes
Viv Vision (currently r1, sig 60)
Sandman (currently r2, sig 40)