No warning for sigil store update

First and foremost I am happy they kabam finally added stuff to the sigil store, but I really wish they would have given us a heads up it was coming. Because I literally just used most of my tokens to get a 6 star crystal. And now they added a 7 star to the store which I am now a long ways away from being able to get. Just really think a in game mail saying there was an update to the sigil store upcoming would have been very easy to do.
They are not going to give you an exact timeline of precisely what and precisely when. Most of the *developers* at Kabam probably don't know that. You aren't entitled to perfect knowledge of the future. This would be very easy to do, but they don't do it not because it is hard, but because they just don't believe this is a good idea.
but do more people wait when the know what is coming and when it is coming?
or do more people hoard when they have no idea and want to be prepared for the what ifs?
Dr. Zola
There is no appropriate time to give a heads up when somebody wouldn't have "just" used their Tokens. Believe me, I have been there for every single iteration of these kinds of updates, and regardless of when that message went out, these threads would still be here.
IIRC notice was given the last time the sigil store was updated. Even 7 days is enough to stop some people from using their tokens in what becomes an ill-advised manner for them with the new store. That gives people time to make youtube/twitch videos, forum posts and to share the news on other social media platforms.
The reality is: the update is here and if you’d like to save your tokens for these updates you now can.
But I honestly think it'd have been nice if an ingame message got sent out or whatever informing people that the Store has updated. Because the way it was done now almost makes it feel like it wasn't supposed to go live yet. If I wasn't a frequenter of the Forums there is a big chance I wouldn't have found out until next monday when the store reset and I buy my usual stuff
Just a small thing, but I think it'd have been nice
But do go on about whiny customers...
Dr. Zola
This is as much warning or information they can give you.
Especially if stores like Glory etc that are accessible to everyone gets a notice of change, the Sigil store should 100%.
It’s lacklustre so showing everyone it’s being improved would maybe sell more Sigils too
But you still provide notice. You guys provide notice for everything... every store update has been hyped and promoted. This is something people are consistently paying for, and the decision was to not promote it or provide any notice? Then the defense of that decision is "Well, it doesn't affect everyone and we can't please everyone so, meh!"
It's not feasible to provide an in-game message or slip it into a live stream? You know, kind of like you do with the Loyalty, BG, Glory stores...
I really hope this is a company response you were directed to provide to us from some out of touch executive, because that response is really disconnected.