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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Trading gold for loyalty? [MERGED THREADS - TYPO IN MESSAGE]



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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,564 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023

    DrZola said:

    Stand up thing would be to have a 2:1 gold for loyalty fix drawn up quick.

    Dr. Zola

    That would be overly generous. 1.5 mil loyalty for only 3 mil gold? Not a chance in hell they do that.
    Yeah that would put 1 7* at 3 mill gold and r1-r4 a 6* at 10 mill.. that doesnt add up at all.
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    UnyonfaceUnyonface Posts: 535 ★★★

    Why aren’t units for loyalty triggering any points towards then event totals

    Because it specifically states loyalty not units for the event
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,564 ★★★★★
    I would understand people being upset if they spent 24 hours a day farming for gold cause the message was misleading since day 1 of the event; but it literally went live a few mins ago. There really isn't much pain and suffering to make up for.
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    markj21markj21 Posts: 16
    ahmynuts said:

    markj21 said:

    That was going to be my question, also i am fed up with the secrecy of these events, i spent 1.6 million loyalty getting 6 star unstoppable Colossus a few days ago as there are never any good items in the loyalty store, i could of got a rankup 4/5 gem, and now you can also get whole tier 5 catalysts from the loyalty store, I would of waited if Kabam would be more transparent about whats coming up, so p****d off right now.

    They announced updates to the loyalty store awhile ago and we knew about the loyalty bundle for about a week now
    I didnt..... thanks for your useful insight......
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    WeaponXWeaponX Posts: 136
    Manup456 said:

    Come on guys everyone knows you can mistakenly spell gold trying to spell units 😂

    Yeah, the letters are all right next to each other on the keyboard, happens to me all the time...
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,384 ★★★★★
    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?
    It doesn't say in the message how much gold it would cost you to trade in your loyalty. Just that you can trade in your gold for loyalty.

    Kinda like when they first added 7* crystals to the game and they cost 999,999,999 fragments. No one was actually going to buy it, but it was there.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,384 ★★★★★
    Dukenpuke said:

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?
    It doesn't say in the message how much gold it would cost you to trade in your loyalty. Just that you can trade in your gold for loyalty.

    Kinda like when they first added 7* crystals to the game and they cost 999,999,999 fragments. No one was actually going to buy it, but it was there.
    It was a wording mistake. Also, wouldn't that pour gas on the fire?
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    JustWantTheRewardsJustWantTheRewards Posts: 442 ★★★

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?

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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,384 ★★★★★

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?

    Hurr durr.....fanks.
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    Darkness275Darkness275 Posts: 829 ★★★★

    As if more things couldn't go wrong with this event. That is a Typo, and should have said "you can trade your units for loyalty", as seen in the store right now.

    There are no amount of apologies I can give for this oversight that will alleviate the confusion or the frustration over this, but I am deeply sorry about this.

    Thanks for the response.
    Disappointed, but, it is what it is.

    Thanks for removing the mail too, less confusion.
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★

    Dukenpuke said:

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    500M Gold? Huh?
    It doesn't say in the message how much gold it would cost you to trade in your loyalty. Just that you can trade in your gold for loyalty.

    Kinda like when they first added 7* crystals to the game and they cost 999,999,999 fragments. No one was actually going to buy it, but it was there.
    It was a wording mistake. Also, wouldn't that pour gas on the fire?
    Potentially, but at least then it's not false advertising any more.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    I understand what you are trying to say. It would be funny af. @Kabam Miike you guys have the opportunity to do one of the funniest things ever with this game
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    VaniteliaVanitelia Posts: 376 ★★★
    That conversion rate is like spending 73 units for a level 4 AW health potion. Ouch. Definitely more of a top off your loyalty if you're close to what you want to buy sort of thing.
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Dukenpuke said:

    Just add a sale to the commissary store that lets you buy 1.5M loyalty for 500M gold. Then you fulfilled your promise.

    I understand what you are trying to say. It would be funny af. @Kabam Miike you guys have the opportunity to do one of the funniest things ever with this game
    People's heads would explode. I'd die from laughter.
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    AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Posts: 139
    With Kabam trying to be so secretive about how this event would play out I'm not surprised by this outcome. Is what it is unfortunately...
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