My dumbest decision in-game yet (truly one to hate myself for)

KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,891 ★★★★★
I'd like to share this bit here with you to mostly just vent my feelings, because quite honestly idk how else to cope with it. And I also hope anyone else isn't so dumb to do the same.

So yesterday, when the last set of Cap's Comissary came out, I went to check the shop and scrolled all the way down, where new offers appeared. There I saw only the Loyalty trade-in (120k for 444 units) and like a total dumbass I am, I didn't check the shop closer (afterall why, I thought, new offers appear on the very bottom as they did the days before) and thus I overlooked the big selector.

Then, I moved to Loyalty store (the one for AW stuff) and saw the 7* AW crystal for 1.5M, so I bought it. And that was a grave mistake. By this decision I lost the ability to get my first r5 6* and traded it for a 7* Storm. Which is a great champ! I've had tons of fun playing w her and she is a great pull, but well... first r5 would help me 10x more, especially since new progression title will come soon and I bet the requirement will be 5x r5 6* champs and completion of 8.4 (or even 8.3). If I had known about the selector, I would've gone for the rankup gem ofc.

Well, mistakes were made. I needed to share this to amuse some of you, to warn someone so unfortunately blind as I am and hopefully to help me overcome the absolute self-loathe this fills me with. Wouldn't feel so bad if I weren't focusing on getting the first r5 past months, grinding like crazy, even playing the goddamn BGs that I hate with a passion, only to collect the tiniest scraps of t6cc that I so desperately need.


  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,934 ★★★★★
    I made the same mistake, although if you contacted support before opening the crystal they would've refunded you the loyalty
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I highly doubt the next progression title will be about 6* r5 it will almost certainly be around 7* either r2 or R3. I picked the AW Crystal as well and I only have 2 R5 champs. Would it have been smarter to pick the R5 Crystal? Probably but I’d rather have a shiny new Mordo to play with. 7* R1 champs are already almost as strong as a 6 R5, and they are the future. So I wouldn’t worry about it too much and enjoy your new champ! It’s a game it’s meant to be fun!
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,195 ★★★★★
    6* won’t be progression title linked. In fact, most people are using their t6cc on 7 stars now just because of the progression title and because of the fact r5 gems will continue to be readily available. We’ll easily get one in the unit deals on Cyber Monday and most likely in December gifting
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