Good riddance

Tonight marks the last time I have to fight this Unstoppable Colossus, and I hope Kabam never releases a side quest like this again. It wasn’t challenging, it wasn’t engaging, it wasn’t fun… it was annoying, repetitive and boring.

Atleast I didn't make a entire thread about "I quit" because of a boss that's easy to beat 🤭😁.
Incredibly repetitive and boring I gotta agree. Won’t even get all my runs done because of how boring it was.
And I still have 16 left. I think I'll let those 16 expire and I won't regret it.
If anything it was good quake practice.
Repetitive to say the least but once I found the right team it got quicker to get through these.
Let's all thank a very small loudly minority on forums, that posts frequently nonsenses like: "I've done all SQ day one and now I have nothing to do for the rest month" (besides the fact most of them haven't 100% explored all content in the game), and applause Kabam for listening to these idiots and put annoying timers on the side quest 👏
I did 17 consecutive SQ runs when I got the last ticket, thanks to those idiotic forum trolls.
Was it hard? No, with the correct team and a 30% champion boost in fact was easy.
Was it annoying? Yes, it was far more repetitive and boring even from arena.
Please never daily lock side quest again, it's not fun 😠