Who to give the Black Widow relic to suddenly got difficult

I was just casually scrolling through Youtube when I came upon this video of Ronin absolutely cheesing stuff with the help of the Black Widow relic, courtesy of Allision Edits and a friend of hers who supplied the gameplay. I just thought it was too cool not to share.
For those that don't understand what's happening, here's a breakdown of it (to the best of my knowledge):
When awakened, Ronin has the ability to evade when he's at 7 cruelty passives.
Normally, you'd use that evade, lose 3 cruelty passives and gain a fury passive. Then you'd have to build up to 7 cruelty passives again before you can use the evade again.
However, when awakened, the Black Widow relic grants Ronin (as well as Black Cat and Black Widow Deadly Origin) a stack of his passive cruelty whenever his defensive ability accuracy reduction prevents an ability from triggering on the opponent.
In his Wraith stance, Ronin has 40% DAAR. This means that he has a 40% chance to get a cruelty passive just from hitting the opponent while in that stance (if that opponent has an ability to fail), rather than having to change his stances over and over again. This speeds up his cruelty acquisition immensely, which in turn speeds up his safety net, which in turn speeds up his access to that fury passive that he can get when he evades.
This is also huge for Ronin whenever he throws his SP3 since it replaces all of his cruelty passives with a huge fury passive. With this relic, Ronin can build those cruelties back up much quicker than he normally would be able to, which in turn greatly increases the time both his cruelties and his fury is active at the same time.
It's a really cool interaction.
This doesn't work against every champion because there are a lot of them that don't have abilities that can fail due to DAAR, but there are a lot more abilities out there that can fail due to DAAR than people realize, and there are also a ton of nodes that can fail.

For those that don't understand what's happening, here's a breakdown of it (to the best of my knowledge):
When awakened, Ronin has the ability to evade when he's at 7 cruelty passives.
Normally, you'd use that evade, lose 3 cruelty passives and gain a fury passive. Then you'd have to build up to 7 cruelty passives again before you can use the evade again.
However, when awakened, the Black Widow relic grants Ronin (as well as Black Cat and Black Widow Deadly Origin) a stack of his passive cruelty whenever his defensive ability accuracy reduction prevents an ability from triggering on the opponent.
In his Wraith stance, Ronin has 40% DAAR. This means that he has a 40% chance to get a cruelty passive just from hitting the opponent while in that stance (if that opponent has an ability to fail), rather than having to change his stances over and over again. This speeds up his cruelty acquisition immensely, which in turn speeds up his safety net, which in turn speeds up his access to that fury passive that he can get when he evades.
This is also huge for Ronin whenever he throws his SP3 since it replaces all of his cruelty passives with a huge fury passive. With this relic, Ronin can build those cruelties back up much quicker than he normally would be able to, which in turn greatly increases the time both his cruelties and his fury is active at the same time.
It's a really cool interaction.
This doesn't work against every champion because there are a lot of them that don't have abilities that can fail due to DAAR, but there are a lot more abilities out there that can fail due to DAAR than people realize, and there are also a ton of nodes that can fail.
I saw a lot of posts that 7* ronin was a dud, but these interactions with relics give new life to such champs and make them really good.
Dr. Zola
It feels like this relic and the Gambit one stand out as the two real gamechangers. I haven't seen anyone mention any others as being must-haves for specific champions.
Also, for anyone wondering where me and my Ronin have been, I ascended mine this month. Unfortunately my first attempt for the 7* was a whiff but I’ll be making sure to secure the 7*.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola