Another installment of "Forum user cannot read before posting"
The sad part is that Miike legitimately made a comment addressing this very thing like, two or three days ago when he was talking about their decision to not publicize the Black Iso Market update.
He commented that no matter how much advanced notice they give, or how much effort they make to notify people, it will still be missed and people will still complain.
Now, ignoring the differences between the Sigil Store update and this scenario; clearly, this thread proves the core principle of Miike's point.
Truly sitcom level of comedic timing
Yes but this shouldn't be license to simply not communicate. "Well they are gonna complain anyway so lets simply not give notice." Rather, they should approach it as "well we got 150 complaints with a 30 day notice. Lets try a 45 day with a 15 day reminder and see if we can't get that number down."
Tough break. Feel bad for ya, i aint know either that this was what they intended. They should have reminders, months in advance is bound to have someone forget
Another installment of "Forum user cannot read before posting"
The sad part is that Miike legitimately made a comment addressing this very thing like, two or three days ago when he was talking about their decision to not publicize the Black Iso Market update.
He commented that no matter how much advanced notice they give, or how much effort they make to notify people, it will still be missed and people will still complain.
Now, ignoring the differences between the Sigil Store update and this scenario; clearly, this thread proves the core principle of Miike's point.
Truly sitcom level of comedic timing
Yes but this shouldn't be license to simply not communicate. "Well they are gonna complain anyway so lets simply not give notice." Rather, they should approach it as "well we got 150 complaints with a 30 day notice. Lets try a 45 day with a 15 day reminder and see if we can't get that number down."
They should use metrics and adjust.
As it’s been states a million times already they DID communicate it. Multiple times.
Your argument is the equivalent of someone calling a company complaining about an upcoming charge that they communicated to you days in advance by email, and your rebuttal is “Well I don’t check my email. Why didn’t you call me?” Just because you didn’t read said correspondence doesn’t mean they’re at fault for not communicating it.
I’m using this comparison because I work in escalations in a call center, so I hear this complaint quite a bit. The communication was out there, regardless of whether or not you chose to ignore it
I agree on the fact that most of the players don’t go in the forum and even less connect to Twitch. The update of the basic pool was announced for October but… a month is not precise enough! My post requesting information didn’t get an answer, although it indicated all the informations the players could gather at this moment, and the precise date was not among them…
So do the updates of the basic pool (every 2 months) match with the dates of the monthly update of the game?
This post allowed me to know that the first Titan batch of 7* champions were added to the basic pool, and I just got a 7* version of @Kabam Jax Ok, obviously I can be proud of it but it is also my 4th tech on 6 7* crystals. I cross my fingers for Warlock as the 5th in 2 months.
A timer on the Titan crystal might help people know the exact days the pool will rotate, but even that will probably be faced with complaints because it's not like the featured crystals. The timer wouldn't be counting down to a full pool rotation, only a portion would be rotated out.
I'm sorry to hear about the timing on this, but this has been very clearly communicated time and time again as how the Titan pool works. It's been in most every communication on 7-Star Champion acquisition, including videos, live streams, and the very first post we made about 7-Stars that was shared in-game, and everywhere else we could.
Every two months, a new pool of 6 Champions will enter the Titan Crystal, and one of the pools of 6 Champions will rotate out of the crystal into the Base Pool.
I've been present and listened to every live stream and it was not clear. Not everyone reads every forum post.
It would be great to get some in game mail with important things like this.
Reading is hard apparently
It is still frustrating that the only way to obtain this kind of information is to watch a live stream or dig into forum posts. The fact that you can't have transparent and clear visibility on these types of things in-game is very frustrating.
Why not have like a champion calendar tab in-game to see this. Or even in-game mail to provide notice. I can't imagine how infuriating it must be for players that may not have access to the forums or the bandwidth to watch a live stream.
We sent this out in-game via in-game mail. We can't fit all of that text into an in-game message, so we link out to Blog Posts.
I'd love to know the email we received in-game about the titan crystal, as I do not recall a single one. Perhaps you may be referring to a more generalized email that didn't refer to anything specific and directed you to a blog that covered a large umbrella of information that might have included this...
Look, I'm not trying to be argumentative here or beat a dead horse but consider the authorial intent that I'm trying to convey. You have a player that has attended every live stream, participates in all corners of the contest, and tries to skim through forum posts about upcoming updates and even I missed this MASSIVE piece of news or didn't miss it but it was communicated in such a way that it did not stand out enough for me to even acknowledged its existence.
You can't be expected to impact 100% of the player base and have the retention of every bit of information every time. I get that. But I'd love some consideration about making things like this clearer in-game.
A champion rotation calendar where you could have timers on their profile pics, would be amazing, and seemingly very easy to do. Or an in-game email that can be nearly automated and copy-paste can go out saying "Next Month's upcoming Crystal Updates".
Additional in-game communication is always welcomed by the player base and the resources for such can't in good conscious have have any reasonable argument against it.
We all pull something we didn't want. It's part of the game. There's no escaping it with an RNG-based Reward system. I'm sorry you're not happy with your pull, but taking it out on the team isn't going to help.
I mean anyone that's been playing this game for any lengthy amount of time know that that basic crystals update regularly. If you've been playing for a long time you know how 5 and 6* basics use to update when they were new too. You can't be mad or surprised when the 7* updates slowly but still updates. They don't really need to announce it, it'll happen sooner or later.
I'm sorry to hear about the timing on this, but this has been very clearly communicated time and time again as how the Titan pool works. It's been in most every communication on 7-Star Champion acquisition, including videos, live streams, and the very first post we made about 7-Stars that was shared in-game, and everywhere else we could.
Every two months, a new pool of 6 Champions will enter the Titan Crystal, and one of the pools of 6 Champions will rotate out of the crystal into the Base Pool.
I never saw the LiveStream itself, but had seen plenty of follow-up discussions in the Forums here afterwards. As well as various provided ScreenCaps from the LiveStream, as well as subsequent filled-in blanks in the CHART/PIC shown high up in this thread, provided by others who did see the LiveStream and subsequent InfoGraphic submissions up here.
And myself had subsequently provided re-copies of those InfoGraphics, as well as description text of how (and WHEN) the aspects of Titan Crystals will work. As well as numerous others who have provided such similar follow up into the numerous new threads that were being created asking about this in the weeks that followed. In any thread that was inquiring how Titan Crystal was gonna work, that information was readily provided by many of the people up here (not just Mods) into all of those threads.
——— But SECONDLY, although you got Stryfe, which now is part of BASIC crystal, you opened it as a TITAN I’m assuming in order to have a chance at various of the Titan set at that time, NOT just Stryfe. This includes 6 choices which were decided on by Community as to who they wanted included in there (those are STILL EXCLUSIVE to the Titan, until 2 months from now). As well as 4 of 6 in the final/third set of original Titan champs that were BRAND NEW champs.
If you say you could have just waiting until now, and opened the BASIC, and get Stryfe, as if Stryfe was the ONLY one you were interested in and hoped to get, seems wrong.
A better argument might have been you missed out on the chance at “6 NEWER” champs that have just become available in Titan, as opposed to those 1st Column set of mostly older champs. But that's not what was being argued by you.
A better argument might have been you missed out on the chance at “6 NEWER” champs that have just become available in Titan, as opposed to those 1st Column set of mostly older champs. But that's not what was being argued by you.
This is what I was thinking. I feel this reaction would've been different had it been a champ they actually wanted.
I'm sorry to hear about the timing on this, but this has been very clearly communicated time and time again as how the Titan pool works. It's been in most every communication on 7-Star Champion acquisition, including videos, live streams, and the very first post we made about 7-Stars that was shared in-game, and everywhere else we could.
Every two months, a new pool of 6 Champions will enter the Titan Crystal, and one of the pools of 6 Champions will rotate out of the crystal into the Base Pool.
I've been present and listened to every live stream and it was not clear. Not everyone reads every forum post.
It would be great to get some in game mail with important things like this.
Sorry, no pitchforks today.
This wasn't a Trello Board meme level "notification" event. This wasn't an instance of them giving us zero notice like the Black Market update. This wasn't an instance of very short or conflicting notice like the Commissary.
This was very clear, very publicized and they made multiple efforts to make this known to us. It sounds like you put zero effort into actually searching for this information. No-one expects you to read every forum post, but if you had even bothered to put the smallest amount of effort into searching for this, you would have found it.
So I suppose best practice then is to dive into forum posts every time you want to open a crystal, just in case.
The point I'm trying to make is why does Kabam not see fit to communicate important information like this IN-GAME. it would be so easy to have a calendar schedule or even an in-game email with "Next Month's upcoming crystal changes" Just like they do with the update tab or in game email.
You are missing the point of frustration
You specifically said that you watched all the live streams and it was “not clear”, someone then showed you a screen grab where it listed exactly what you said wasn’t clear. Now you are back on the kick of having to read forums. It was literally spelled out for you in the live streams you claimed to have watched. It was also in the forums AND linked in an in game mail. So yes, Kabam is expecting you to either watch livestreams (or recordings), read the forum, or read your in game mail and click on links.
I'm sorry to hear about the timing on this, but this has been very clearly communicated time and time again as how the Titan pool works. It's been in most every communication on 7-Star Champion acquisition, including videos, live streams, and the very first post we made about 7-Stars that was shared in-game, and everywhere else we could.
Every two months, a new pool of 6 Champions will enter the Titan Crystal, and one of the pools of 6 Champions will rotate out of the crystal into the Base Pool.
I've been present and listened to every live stream and it was not clear. Not everyone reads every forum post.
It would be great to get some in game mail with important things like this.
Reading is hard apparently
It is still frustrating that the only way to obtain this kind of information is to watch a live stream or dig into forum posts. The fact that you can't have transparent and clear visibility on these types of things in-game is very frustrating.
Why not have like a champion calendar tab in-game to see this. Or even in-game mail to provide notice. I can't imagine how infuriating it must be for players that may not have access to the forums or the bandwidth to watch a live stream.
My man started out the conversation with "I've watched every livestream" to be presented with livestream proof to say livestream and forums are a bad way for info, to be shown that an in game mail came out with the info also. Yikes.
This information is one of the few times they pumped out the info on basically all avenues. Yet you still complain, I hate people.
I’ve said it in the past, information needs to be present where players make decisions. It happened with those offers we had where the timer changed to two days after buying the first. There was a line at the very bottom of the email, not even in the “important information” orange.
Anyway, loads of room in the red square to say: Oct 4 - entering titan (a, b and c), entering basic (x, y and z).
I mean, there's nothing in game that says what the next Featured Crystal for 6 stars is going to contain. There also isn't any indication on when 6 stars will be added to the basic pool, right?
Even if they sent an ingame mail, people would complain "well who reads the mail they send us so much!".
An ingame mail wouldn't hurt, but honestly I'm a little surprised someone who can pull a Titan is this uninformed on how they work when they claim to pay attention to the live streams, and every other day a question is asked on here or Reddit about the pool being updated.
Also, I remember the schedule being on the official site under the Titan crystal, so it's not like it's hidden information.
Only thing I'd maybe like is if the Titan Crystal had a timer like the current featured, so it's easier to keep track of when it resets
AGREE That would actually be a good addition, and would help those who really do not know that it changes (or when it changes).
(but still won’t be able to tell you WHO the new additions would be, they don’t do that for other Features either, except for knowing who the new-released scheduled additions would be, but not any other “older” additions).
(Also curious, but I think I know, if you buy it BEFORE it changes, but do NOT open it, does it remain as-is as of the time you BOUGHT it ? I assume it does remain as-is, so yes, technically it would be a different crystal when it changes every 2 months. So would justify having a TIMER on top of it like the Featured ones do)
While I can’t empathize with OP’s complaint, I wish the communication had been a little clearer with respect to the Legends 7* selector champs going into basic at the same time (as well as the actual date in October that happened).
It would be hard to miss the message that the basic pool expansion would occur in October, but the specifics and the timing were pieces of info I also missed. Were they in the livestream? In-game messaging? A forums post?
It also seems reasonable to assume the pool would update with the October 4 update—perhaps reiterating that with the update announcement would be helpful.
While OP’s original complaint may or may not resonate with the rest of us, the solution they propose of a champion calendar that shows which champs are available where would be a very nice feature. With the explosion of crystal types, the complexity of the seven star pool and just the sheer number of champs, it would be nice to have all of that info in one place that can easily referenced.
For example, I wondered today “Is Adam Warlock in the basic six star pool yet?”
Failed steps taken to try and find out: 1) searched the forums (tried several different search strings) 2) Looked at Champion News on the main Kabam site 3) read the patch notes for the update 4) searched google (you just end up in the SEO hellscape of outdated third party MCOC “guide” sites) 5) checked Cat Murdock’s Twitter feed
I still can’t confirm whether he is or isn’t in the basic crystal, so I will assume he’s not. The point of this comment is not to say it’s impossible to find out — I’m sure someone will quickly point me to the right post, or livestream summary or whatever. The point is that it should be easier. This is important info, make it a simple to find reference.
While OP’s original complaint may or may not resonate with the rest of us, the solution they propose of a champion calendar that shows which champs are available where would be a very nice feature. With the explosion of crystal types, the complexity of the seven star pool and just the sheer number of champs, it would be nice to have all of that info in one place that can easily referenced.
For example, I wondered today “Is Adam Warlock in the basic six star pool yet?”
Failed steps taken to try and find out: 1) searched the forums (tried several different search strings) 2) Looked at Champion News on the main Kabam site 3) read the patch notes for the update 4) searched google (you just end up in the SEO hellscape of outdated third party MCOC “guide” sites) 5) checked Cat Murdock’s Twitter feed
I still can’t confirm whether he is or isn’t in the basic crystal, so I will assume he’s not. The point of this comment is not to say it’s impossible to find out — I’m sure someone will quickly point me to the right post, or livestream summary or whatever. The point is that it should be easier. This is important info, make it a simple to find reference.
I'm sorry to hear about the timing on this, but this has been very clearly communicated time and time again as how the Titan pool works. It's been in most every communication on 7-Star Champion acquisition, including videos, live streams, and the very first post we made about 7-Stars that was shared in-game, and everywhere else we could.
Every two months, a new pool of 6 Champions will enter the Titan Crystal, and one of the pools of 6 Champions will rotate out of the crystal into the Base Pool.
I've been present and listened to every live stream and it was not clear. Not everyone reads every forum post.
It would be great to get some in game mail with important things like this.
Reading is hard apparently
It is still frustrating that the only way to obtain this kind of information is to watch a live stream or dig into forum posts. The fact that you can't have transparent and clear visibility on these types of things in-game is very frustrating.
Why not have like a champion calendar tab in-game to see this. Or even in-game mail to provide notice. I can't imagine how infuriating it must be for players that may not have access to the forums or the bandwidth to watch a live stream.
We sent this out in-game via in-game mail. We can't fit all of that text into an in-game message, so we link out to Blog Posts.
I'd love to know the email we received in-game about the titan crystal, as I do not recall a single one. Perhaps you may be referring to a more generalized email that didn't refer to anything specific and directed you to a blog that covered a large umbrella of information that might have included this...
Look, I'm not trying to be argumentative here or beat a dead horse but consider the authorial intent that I'm trying to convey. You have a player that has attended every live stream, participates in all corners of the contest, and tries to skim through forum posts about upcoming updates and even I missed this MASSIVE piece of news or didn't miss it but it was communicated in such a way that it did not stand out enough for me to even acknowledged its existence.
You can't be expected to impact 100% of the player base and have the retention of every bit of information every time. I get that. But I'd love some consideration about making things like this clearer in-game.
A champion rotation calendar where you could have timers on their profile pics, would be amazing, and seemingly very easy to do. Or an in-game email that can be nearly automated and copy-paste can go out saying "Next Month's upcoming Crystal Updates".
Additional in-game communication is always welcomed by the player base and the resources for such can't in good conscious have have any reasonable argument against it.
I just think that "additional in-game communication" will also be missed. If we communicated it in 4 places already... what's to say the 5th will take?
"The 5th" should be "The 1st".
The game itself is the only place you can guarantee every player has access. I'm amazed at the amount of player base that doesn't access the forums, or rely on content creators to bring important information about the game that just isn't accessible in the game itself.
But I digress. Apparently yes, this was communicated and I completely missed the 4 mediums.
Let this be a feature request or an idea submission then. As I mention to Miike,
I think a very low resource intensive quality of life improvement could be a simple automated email or even update (the communication that cant be deleted by players) to the affect of "Upcoming Cyrstal Update" that goes out each month. To help players plan ahead and better manage their resources. Or even a simple "Champion Update Calendar" in the same place as the other calendars.
I have most people disagree with my post and that's fine. But recently it can't be denied that things being sprung on players without notice is a recurring theme. And I even think Miike sent out a message that there is no amount of notice that will satisfy all of the player base. But that statement shouldn't be a crutch to lean on to simply not address that strides can be made.
Even 30 day notices would be great. I don't think a single player would be upset with a "Hello summoners, next month's update will include changes to the Black Market Store" or something to that affect.
I get some things can't be spoiled and you'd like us to have surprises. But things like this the players would welcome communication.
Ok. We'll take it into consideration.
Jax is the best. He could easily have said "We're already doing more than we're fairly compensated for and you want us to more than that cause you couldn't figure out what everyone else did?" but he wouldn't, cause he's a good guy. The best, even.
We as a community can be better. If we see that changes are coming to crystals because we read it/saw it/heard it/skimmed game files, we shouldn't assume everyone will figure it out. Post/spam CHANGES TO CRYSTAL CHAMPS on the official board, reddit, slack, line, discord, your twitch/youtube/onlyfans stream, what have you. DM summoners who may be interested in such things but may not have figured life out. Search then out in-game, friend them and remind them. Spam global. If you see them IRL, grab them and yell THE CRYSTAL CHAMPS BE CHANGIN SOON BRO.
While OP’s original complaint may or may not resonate with the rest of us, the solution they propose of a champion calendar that shows which champs are available where would be a very nice feature. With the explosion of crystal types, the complexity of the seven star pool and just the sheer number of champs, it would be nice to have all of that info in one place that can easily referenced.
For example, I wondered today “Is Adam Warlock in the basic six star pool yet?”
Failed steps taken to try and find out: 1) searched the forums (tried several different search strings) 2) Looked at Champion News on the main Kabam site 3) read the patch notes for the update 4) searched google (you just end up in the SEO hellscape of outdated third party MCOC “guide” sites) 5) checked Cat Murdock’s Twitter feed
I still can’t confirm whether he is or isn’t in the basic crystal, so I will assume he’s not. The point of this comment is not to say it’s impossible to find out — I’m sure someone will quickly point me to the right post, or livestream summary or whatever. The point is that it should be easier. This is important info, make it a simple to find reference.
Frontline MCOC usually has anticipated dates for champs being added to basic pool.
They should use metrics and adjust.
Your argument is the equivalent of someone calling a company complaining about an upcoming charge that they communicated to you days in advance by email, and your rebuttal is “Well I don’t check my email. Why didn’t you call me?”
Just because you didn’t read said correspondence doesn’t mean they’re at fault for not communicating it.
I’m using this comparison because I work in escalations in a call center, so I hear this complaint quite a bit. The communication was out there, regardless of whether or not you chose to ignore it
The update of the basic pool was announced for October but… a month is not precise enough! My post requesting information didn’t get an answer, although it indicated all the informations the players could gather at this moment, and the precise date was not among them…
So do the updates of the basic pool (every 2 months) match with the dates of the monthly update of the game?
This post allowed me to know that the first Titan batch of 7* champions were added to the basic pool, and I just got a 7* version of @Kabam Jax
Ok, obviously I can be proud of it
I never saw the LiveStream itself, but had seen plenty of follow-up discussions in the Forums here afterwards.
As well as various provided ScreenCaps from the LiveStream, as well as subsequent filled-in blanks in the CHART/PIC shown high up in this thread, provided by others who did see the LiveStream and subsequent InfoGraphic submissions up here.
And myself had subsequently provided re-copies of those InfoGraphics, as well as description text of how (and WHEN) the aspects of Titan Crystals will work.
As well as numerous others who have provided such similar follow up into the numerous new threads that were being created asking about this in the weeks that followed.
In any thread that was inquiring how Titan Crystal was gonna work, that information was readily provided by many of the people up here (not just Mods) into all of those threads.
But SECONDLY, although you got Stryfe, which now is part of BASIC crystal, you opened it as a TITAN I’m assuming in order to have a chance at various of the Titan set at that time, NOT just Stryfe.
This includes 6 choices which were decided on by Community as to who they wanted included in there (those are STILL EXCLUSIVE to the Titan, until 2 months from now).
As well as 4 of 6 in the final/third set of original Titan champs that were BRAND NEW champs.
If you say you could have just waiting until now, and opened the BASIC, and get Stryfe, as if Stryfe was the ONLY one you were interested in and hoped to get, seems wrong.
A better argument might have been you missed out on the chance at “6 NEWER” champs that have just become available in Titan, as opposed to those 1st Column set of mostly older champs. But that's not what was being argued by you.
This reeks of entitlement.
This information is one of the few times they pumped out the info on basically all avenues. Yet you still complain, I hate people.
It happened with those offers we had where the timer changed to two days after buying the first.
There was a line at the very bottom of the email, not even in the “important information” orange.
Anyway, loads of room in the red square to say:
Oct 4 - entering titan (a, b and c), entering basic (x, y and z).
Even if they sent an ingame mail, people would complain "well who reads the mail they send us so much!".
An ingame mail wouldn't hurt, but honestly I'm a little surprised someone who can pull a Titan is this uninformed on how they work when they claim to pay attention to the live streams, and every other day a question is asked on here or Reddit about the pool being updated.
Also, I remember the schedule being on the official site under the Titan crystal, so it's not like it's hidden information.
That would actually be a good addition, and would help those who really do not know that it changes (or when it changes).
(but still won’t be able to tell you WHO the new additions would be, they don’t do that for other Features either, except for knowing who the new-released scheduled additions would be, but not any other “older” additions).
(Also curious, but I think I know, if you buy it BEFORE it changes, but do NOT open it, does it remain as-is as of the time you BOUGHT it ? I assume it does remain as-is, so yes, technically it would be a different crystal when it changes every 2 months. So would justify having a TIMER on top of it like the Featured ones do)
It would be hard to miss the message that the basic pool expansion would occur in October, but the specifics and the timing were pieces of info I also missed. Were they in the livestream? In-game messaging? A forums post?
It also seems reasonable to assume the pool would update with the October 4 update—perhaps reiterating that with the update announcement would be helpful.
Dr. Zola
For example, I wondered today “Is Adam Warlock in the basic six star pool yet?”
Failed steps taken to try and find out:
1) searched the forums (tried several different search strings)
2) Looked at Champion News on the main Kabam site
3) read the patch notes for the update
4) searched google (you just end up in the SEO hellscape of outdated third party MCOC “guide” sites)
5) checked Cat Murdock’s Twitter feed
I still can’t confirm whether he is or isn’t in the basic crystal, so I will assume he’s not. The point of this comment is not to say it’s impossible to find out — I’m sure someone will quickly point me to the right post, or livestream summary or whatever. The point is that it should be easier. This is important info, make it a simple to find reference.
We as a community can be better. If we see that changes are coming to crystals because we read it/saw it/heard it/skimmed game files, we shouldn't assume everyone will figure it out. Post/spam CHANGES TO CRYSTAL CHAMPS on the official board, reddit, slack, line, discord, your twitch/youtube/onlyfans stream, what have you. DM summoners who may be interested in such things but may not have figured life out. Search then out in-game, friend them and remind them. Spam global. If you see them IRL, grab them and yell THE CRYSTAL CHAMPS BE CHANGIN SOON BRO.
We too can make a difference.