Looks like you have the Sigil currently active. Don’t think it is an actual Item that you use (maybe it is an item, just to indicate you had received the Sigil).
Click on your Profile to see if it is still active and what benefits it gives you (increased Inventory Storage Capacity, etc, etc)
My sigil is still active. This I know my point is that those who got compensated with an 11 day sigil which I did and I've never been able to use it. If you look close it says 'activate the sigil for 11 days'
It was my understanding (could be wrong though) that receiving that would automatically extend the current duration of your Sigil, not that it would be an item that you could use to activate at a later date.
There are several other items in Inventory that you can not actually “use” from that screen. And some things that you can’t even use at all (even from elsewhere in game).
If it indeed is something you can activate at a later date, I suspect it might be from your Profile screen (either currently to extend it, or later when you are no longer on your current Sigil). Since that popup for the item from in Inventory screen does not contain even a gray’d out Activate button on it.
So I actually asked Support this question and they told me that I got the extension time. This item is still in my inventory though and I don't remember my time being extended at all. I let my sigil expire to see if it would activate on it's own and it didn't. I also don't recall being able to "activate" it, so I just bought the sigil again.
it's still in my inventory, but it did extend the timer when i first received it. that was a few months ago now, little late to be bringing it up. it probably extended yours and you just didn't notice
it's still in my inventory, but it did extend the timer when i first received it. that was a few months ago now, little late to be bringing it up. it probably extended yours and you just didn't notice
Don’t think it is an actual Item that you use (maybe it is an item, just to indicate you had received the Sigil).
Click on your Profile to see if it is still active and what benefits it gives you (increased Inventory Storage Capacity, etc, etc)
There are several other items in Inventory that you can not actually “use” from that screen. And some things that you can’t even use at all (even from elsewhere in game).
If it indeed is something you can activate at a later date, I suspect it might be from your Profile screen (either currently to extend it, or later when you are no longer on your current Sigil). Since that popup for the item from in Inventory screen does not contain even a gray’d out Activate button on it.
It's still in my inventory.