Nebula power drain and lock bug [Under Investigation]

Why has this been broken for so long. I would love Nebula if this would work. That's the only reason I did not grind for her a couple weeks back. Please fix.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
P.S:It would have been great if she could deal even a small amount of power drain(and maybe a short power lock) without any shock stacks and just let them increase them if you stay them as well!
It says power drain, but nothing drained
Similar thing happened to me yesterday, except I only had about 6-7 stacks of Shock on the enemy. Just tested her again now and it worked so I'm not sure whats up.
im not a heavy user of nebula but it seems to me that sometimes it will work sometimes it wont kinda like rng in a way lol
Arena fights.
Also there is a link to how to power lock power drain with nebula. Turn the sound off it's bad.
This is frustrating, you have to produce shock to get power lock. Makes me realize Vision is still better at power control.