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Why there's a limit of minimum: on defense mastery

Before πŸ‘†
After πŸ‘‡

I want to know why there's this limit of having 15 pts in defense before accessing willpower mastery & beyond masteries.
I mean would have understood if limit was 10 or 12 pts. So we can puts other points in masteries beyond willpower one.
Because of this, it's really hard to put points in the mastery that needs most points compared to the one that need less points.
PS: just asking tho( curious to know why such a high limitation)


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    They're very powerful and are balanced around needing that many points invested to access them.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,644 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Akki_94 said:

    Before πŸ‘†
    After πŸ‘‡

    I want to know why there's this limit of having 15 pts in defense before accessing willpower mastery & beyond masteries.
    I mean would have understood if limit was 10 or 12 pts. So we can puts other points in masteries beyond willpower one.
    Because of this, it's really hard to put points in the mastery that needs most points compared to the one that need less points.
    PS: just asking tho( curious to know why such a high limitation)

    You answered your own question in your question
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,010 Guardian
    Akki_94 said:

    I want to know why there's this limit of having 15 pts in defense before accessing willpower mastery & beyond masteries.
    I mean would have understood if limit was 10 or 12 pts. So we can puts other points in masteries beyond willpower one.
    Because of this, it's really hard to put points in the mastery that needs most points compared to the one that need less points.

    Yes, the requirement makes it very hard to put a lot of points in the most powerful masteries. That's why the limits exist: to force you to decide where you will spend points. If we could just spend them all in the most powerful masteries, there would be no need to choose. Masteries are about choices, and the fact that no one can have all the ones they want. They can't even have most of the ones they want.

    That is literally why they exist. Choosing, and living with that choice, is part of playing the game.
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