8.3 was amazing

I am hypercritical of Kabam and their shenanigans. But I have to admit the design and rewards for 8.3 were exceptional. The amount of paths and rank 2 7 star gem were Bussin! Thank you for listening to the surveys finally you’re zeroing in on perfection.
Kabam said they were optional at first. Then they said they didn't know what to do with them. 8.3 mephisto boss didn't feel like strikers were optional....with a feature they are confused on. I didn't back out. I decided to revive through it to personally punish myself and remind me why I am spending less time and money on the game.
TL:DR We should have to face the custom story bosses 6 times.
I really enjoyed there being only three paths, but it did feel a little "short". Maybe four paths? Or leave everything else at three paths and put the final one up at perhaps five?
I love the thought of EQs having fewer paths, but that creates the same issue for players who don't have all the EQ difficulties. If they only have one or two difficulties and the EQ has three paths, they will be done even sooner. There are already too many complaints about having nothing to do so unfortunately shortening EQ even further (because they already decreased overall energy cost) would only exacerbate that issue.
Skill/planning based era is history.
Enjoy decent rewards with cheese content.
I don't like easy content.
I don't mind it either.
I would have enjoyed it to be a little bit harder tho, and maybe a path more per quest bumping it to 4
I took break from the game last year and didn't even do 8.2 but after reading how fun 8.3 was I forced myself to do act 8 2 to be able to enjoy 8.3.
Thanks Kabam!
That knull boss can go to hell