id wait for herc, but on that list id definitely say hulkling. cgr deals high enough dmg at r4, and angela is not close to par with hulkling (shes good but hulkling is better)
id wait for herc, but on that list id definitely say hulkling. cgr deals high enough dmg at r4, and angela is not close to par with hulkling (shes good but hulkling is better)
The CGR part is only true depending on where you're at in the game and your BG matches. He has a little trouble punching up against 7* r2 champions and can lose matches purely based on time like all of the nuke champs
I say Angela to be different. That being said, a sig 200 R5 6* Angela with Odin prefights would be entertaining to watch. And probably close to unkillable. And I always enjoy watching her plow through some annoying champs like IMIW, Modok and Havoc.
You have invested quite a lot into angela already so i guess it would be nice to take her all the way and she would be so fun to use in incursions and bgs. Plus even though hulkling and cgr might arguably be better than her,they would he equally good if u pull them as a fresh 7* but theres a significant difference between a unduped and sig 200 angela.
I'll probably use the gem too if I pull one from 8.3
R5 Sig 200 Thor OG
My mind says Hulkling
It's between the flaming skull or the lady in metal underwear
Plus even though hulkling and cgr might arguably be better than her,they would he equally good if u pull them as a fresh 7* but theres a significant difference between a unduped and sig 200 angela.