6 stars came out January 2018 and R5s became available Dec 2022 if you whaled out or mid January 2023 for most others. So 5 years.
7 stars came out May 8th and I believe the Necropolis comes out November 15th which will be most people's first change at R3, which is half the life cycle of 7 stars in only 6 months.
Unless they plan to really slow things down and we don't see R4s for a while it will seem like we're blasting through 7 stars when you compare them to 6s.
I really didn't think we'd see R3s until whales feasted at the Banquet, while the rest of us would have to wait til 8.4.
I am honestly shocked that at the speed we're going 8*s could be a possibility by the end of 2024. We're just moving way way too fast with new tiers of rankups at this point
6 stars came out January 2018 and R5s became available Dec 2022 if you whaled out or mid January 2023 for most others. So 5 years.
7 stars came out May 8th and I believe the Necropolis comes out November 15th which will be most people's first change at R3, which is half the life cycle of 7 stars in only 6 months.
Unless they plan to really slow things down and we don't see R4s for a while it will seem like we're blasting through 7 stars when you compare them to 6s.
I really didn't think we'd see R3s until whales feasted at the Banquet, while the rest of us would have to wait til 8.4.
Necropolis at the beginning is just for the Whales, just like Abyss right after start. You‘ll need some Odins worth of Items as a regular Paragon cause you don’t have all the ranked up 6* Relics and tons of good 7* R2
Don’t mistaken the one-time Everest rewards with 7* R3 getting common already. It’s just an exception and mostly Whales will get them. Banquet/Necropolis Whales … not the average players.
Not really, It moving a a good pace. We have 6* R5 and 7* Rank 2 to are just enough stronger that it seems in the right place. If we start getting them duped easily and the good champs next year I think its about right. Its still hard enough to R2 any 7*. still don't have one...
On both adquisition and rank up, I think we are going a little fast on 7* yeah, but we have more difference of time between 6 and 7 than we had between 5 and 6 so technically, we are late, so maybe thats the reason we are going faster with 7*
6 stars came out January 2018 and R5s became available Dec 2022 if you whaled out or mid January 2023 for most others. So 5 years.
7 stars came out May 8th and I believe the Necropolis comes out November 15th which will be most people's first change at R3, which is half the life cycle of 7 stars in only 6 months.
Unless they plan to really slow things down and we don't see R4s for a while it will seem like we're blasting through 7 stars when you compare them to 6s.
I really didn't think we'd see R3s until whales feasted at the Banquet, while the rest of us would have to wait til 8.4.
At this speed we'll have all stars from USA Flag ,50 in 2030
Don’t mistaken the one-time Everest rewards with 7* R3 getting common already. It’s just an exception and mostly Whales will get them. Banquet/Necropolis Whales … not the average players.