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Teach me how to do god tier Herc-ing

ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
I thought I had a good handle on how to use Herc but maybe I’m missing something.
I had a pretty fast kill with my rank 5 ascended against what I think was a 6* rank 3 Elsa.
My opponent was even faster with a rank 4 ascended agains my 7* Mojo and came out with 100% health.
I don’t think they were cheating so please enlighten me on how to maximise the damage.


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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,618 ★★★★★
    Are you special intercepting and just regular intercepting?
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    Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Posts: 3,432 ★★★★★
    For bgs, dash back and then be aggressive enough to land either a medium or light attack and dash back again to inflict infuriate. If u are good with interception, use first light attack and dash back to build maximum feats possible before opponent uses a special attack, then dash back and activate sp1 while intercepting the opponent for precision buffs. This gives u a true sense too. Now race upto sp2 and as soon as u have maximum feats and u get the right timing with the opponent dashing forward dash back and sp2. If the fight isn't over after sp2, just use the stun as your opportunity to finish the fight off. It takes hardly 40 secs to complete fights if ai is perfect otherwise a minute at maximum. Hope u understood god tier herc-ing in bgs now
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Are you special intercepting and just regular intercepting?

    If I remember correctly, I did 3-4 regular intercepts then she launched her SP1, then I launched mine without intercepting, and finished with regular combos. Thought not waiting would be more beneficial but I see that I was wrong.
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    Mojo has negative phsyical resistance

    I did not know this. Thanks.
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    For bgs, dash back and then be aggressive enough to land either a medium or light attack and dash back again to inflict infuriate. If u are good with interception, use first light attack and dash back to build maximum feats possible before opponent uses a special attack, then dash back and activate sp1 while intercepting the opponent for precision buffs. This gives u a true sense too. Now race upto sp2 and as soon as u have maximum feats and u get the right timing with the opponent dashing forward dash back and sp2. If the fight isn't over after sp2, just use the stun as your opportunity to finish the fight off. It takes hardly 40 secs to complete fights if ai is perfect otherwise a minute at maximum. Hope u understood god tier herc-ing in bgs now

    Yeah, I was skipping the usual ramp-up because I don't trust the AI in BGs. I guess I need to be braver. Thanks for the info.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,618 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Are you special intercepting and just regular intercepting?

    If I remember correctly, I did 3-4 regular intercepts then she launched her SP1, then I launched mine without intercepting, and finished with regular combos. Thought not waiting would be more beneficial but I see that I was wrong.
    AI in bgs can be hit or miss when special intercepting so i can understand not wanting to risk it
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    Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Posts: 3,432 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Are you special intercepting and just regular intercepting?

    If I remember correctly, I did 3-4 regular intercepts then she launched her SP1, then I launched mine without intercepting, and finished with regular combos. Thought not waiting would be more beneficial but I see that I was wrong.
    AI in bgs can be hit or miss when special intercepting so i can understand not wanting to risk it
    Nah but the infuriate always helps. U just need to be good with light intercepts and alert enough to watch out for opponent dashing forward. Don't strike when opponent is completely still and u are blocking idlein the middle of the screen, it will stun u, or cost u a feat against that stun
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Are you special intercepting and just regular intercepting?

    If I remember correctly, I did 3-4 regular intercepts then she launched her SP1, then I launched mine without intercepting, and finished with regular combos. Thought not waiting would be more beneficial but I see that I was wrong.
    AI in bgs can be hit or miss when special intercepting so i can understand not wanting to risk it
    Nah but the infuriate always helps. U just need to be good with light intercepts and alert enough to watch out for opponent dashing forward. Don't strike when opponent is completely still and u are blocking idlein the middle of the screen, it will stun u, or cost u a feat against that stun
    In fairness, I've been light-intercepted more than once trying to keep the intercept train going.
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    Mojo is a sugar-pill defender so they'd have to be extremely lucky with the prompts, because 1 prompt triggering will be the death of you.
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    Badcules Bad
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    IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,271 ★★★★

    For bgs, dash back and then be aggressive enough to land either a medium or light attack and dash back again to inflict infuriate. If u are good with interception, use first light attack and dash back to build maximum feats possible before opponent uses a special attack, then dash back and activate sp1 while intercepting the opponent for precision buffs. This gives u a true sense too. Now race upto sp2 and as soon as u have maximum feats and u get the right timing with the opponent dashing forward dash back and sp2. If the fight isn't over after sp2, just use the stun as your opportunity to finish the fight off. It takes hardly 40 secs to complete fights if ai is perfect otherwise a minute at maximum. Hope u understood god tier herc-ing in bgs now

    For bg's dependant on the opponent it's not always necessary to get the sp2 intercept. To save time, especially if AI is annoying and won't dash to you just throw it after a combo. For that 6r3 elsa that would have been more than enough. The fight would probably be already over by the time you're at 1,5 bars of power after sp1 intercepting for crits and utilising your infuriate as described above.
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