Kabam, you're killing me here

I really like Kate Bishop. She looks like she will do well in long content and is potentially a good option for abyss, and she's decay so awesome right now in battlegrounds. I really enjoy playing my hawkeye so I've been doing my utmost to try and pull her.
I opened featureds for her but instead got the other new champs like viv vision, shocker as well as tons of wasted dupes on old champions but none of the top 3 options, FAM or Kate or Cassie. I don't mind not getting them, I just want Kate.
Since then I have opened tons of basic crystals as soon as they were added and still those 3 champions continue to evade me.
I then decided to go full try hard and ended up opening 2 skill nexus crystals and 2 abyss skill nexus crystals and got no good skill champs!
I don't know what to do now as I've exhausted all my options to get her for a while. If she's great for necropolis I may actually cry. PLEASE Kabam put a 2023 champion selector in the cyber weekend offers and Ill even pay cash for her.
I just want a Kate Bishop.
A broken summoner
I opened featureds for her but instead got the other new champs like viv vision, shocker as well as tons of wasted dupes on old champions but none of the top 3 options, FAM or Kate or Cassie. I don't mind not getting them, I just want Kate.
Since then I have opened tons of basic crystals as soon as they were added and still those 3 champions continue to evade me.
I then decided to go full try hard and ended up opening 2 skill nexus crystals and 2 abyss skill nexus crystals and got no good skill champs!
I don't know what to do now as I've exhausted all my options to get her for a while. If she's great for necropolis I may actually cry. PLEASE Kabam put a 2023 champion selector in the cyber weekend offers and Ill even pay cash for her.
I just want a Kate Bishop.
A broken summoner
Science nexus and science abyss nexus. No scorp. No quicksilver (my second choice). *sigh*
I desperately want Kate. I also desperately wanted Dani and I got every single champ from the featured multiple times... except Dani.
I'm also forever chasing Torch and Apocalypse.
Just grind arena now and you will be ready by Xmas.
Also still I got neither ht nor archangel as 6*
But I got Kate bishop from basic crystal. Never played with her don't know much about her..she is still R1. It seems she is very good. Then it is to check her out on YT. And I will R5 her if she is good for nacropolis.
Whereas with Kate you ideally want to heal her up so that she can maintain her ramp for a long time with the rooted special block damage etc or just innocent mistakes.
Also imagine losing your debuffs on Kate just because of a bad AI and having to reramp again... Aegon just doesn’t care about that
I eventually gave up on trying to start with Fragility, and just would end up starting with Cryo arrows instead, because I was rarely able to get 3 up to then switch to Cryo to start the damage rolling. I didn't keep notes, but I feel I ended up using Chavez and Odin a bit more.
Did you try to keep them in the corner with parry heavies, her evade into heavy, or relic into heavy?